Model predictive runtime verification for cyber-physical systems with real-time deadlines

P Zhang, A Aurandt, R Dureja, PH Jones… - … Conference on Formal …, 2023 - Springer
Cyber-physical systems often require fault detection of future events in order to mitigate the
fault before failure occurs. Effective on-board runtime verification (RV) will need to not only …

Runtime verification triggers real-time, autonomous fault recovery on the CySat-I

A Aurandt, PH Jones, KY Rozier - NASA Formal Methods Symposium, 2022 - Springer
CubeSats are low-cost platforms that are popular for conducting spaceborne experiments,
however they are known to have high failure rates (∼ 25% failure rate). In order to improve …

Mission-time ltl (mltl) formula validation via regular expressions

J Elwing, L Gamboa-Guzman, J Sorkin… - … on Integrated Formal …, 2023 - Springer
Abstract Mission-time Linear Temporal Logic (MLTL) represents the most practical fragment
of Metric Temporal Logic; MLTL resembles the popular logic Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) …

Elucidation and analysis of specification patterns in aerospace system telemetry

Z Luppen, M Jacks, N Baughman, M Stilic… - NASA Formal Methods …, 2022 - Springer
Experimental aerospace projects often require flight vehicle platforms for testing, such as
high-altitude balloons, sounding rockets, unmanned aerial systems (UAS), and CubeSats …

Impossible made possible: Encoding intractable specifications via implied domain constraints

C Johannsen, B Kempa, PH Jones, KY Rozier… - … Conference on Formal …, 2023 - Springer
We take another look at intractable temporal logic specifications, where the intractability
stems from self-reference, unboundedness, or the need for explicit counting. A classic …

Maximum satisfiability of mission-time linear temporal logic

G Hariharan, PH Jones, KY Rozier… - … Conference on Formal …, 2023 - Springer
Abstract Mission-time Linear Temporal Logic (MLTL) is a variant of Linear Temporal Logic
(LTL) with finite interval bounds on temporal operators, and is a popular formal specification …

Multimodal Model Predictive Runtime Verification for Safety of Autonomous Cyber-Physical Systems

A Aurandt, PH Jones, KY Rozier… - … Conference on Formal …, 2024 - Springer
Autonomous cyber-physical systems must be able to operate safely in a wide range of
complex environments. To ensure safety without limiting mitigation options, these systems …

Formalizing MLTL Formula Progression in Isabelle/HOL

K Kosaian, Z Wang, E Sloan, K Rozier - arxiv preprint arxiv:2410.03465, 2024 -
Mission-time Linear Temporal Logic (MLTL) is rapidly increasing in popularity as a
specification logic, eg, for runtime verification, model checking, and other formal methods …

[PDF][PDF] Run-time Monitoring for Robot-Assisted Surgery

K Gogoladze, N Alechina, ZJ Hu, H Xu… - 6th OVERLAY@ AI* IA …, 2024 -
We present a proposal to support surgeons during robot-assisted surgery. Our approach is
based on run-time monitoring for properties that should hold during the surgery, and issuing …