Preferential flow in soils: review of role in soil carbon dynamics, assessment of characteristics, and performance in ecosystems
W Zhang, L Wang, J Chen, Y Zhang - Eurasian Soil Science, 2024 - Springer
Rapid and unstable preferential flow has a significant impact on soil carbon cycle. This
review aims to explore the effects of preferential flow on the soil carbon cycle and indicate its …
review aims to explore the effects of preferential flow on the soil carbon cycle and indicate its …
[KNJIGA][B] Tracers in hydrology
C Leibundgut, P Maloszewski, C Külls - 2011 -
Tracers in Hydrology and Water Research is a comprehensive overview of the application of
natural and artificial tracers in hydrology and environmental research. Taking a unique …
natural and artificial tracers in hydrology and environmental research. Taking a unique …
Preferential Flow in
Preferential flow is often thought of as a spatially and temporally highly variable and random
process and, as such, essentially unpredictable. This chapter discusses the experimental …
process and, as such, essentially unpredictable. This chapter discusses the experimental …
Observer-dependent variability of the thresholding step in the quantitative analysis of soil images and X-ray microtomography data
For the investigation of many geometrical features of soils, computer-assisted image
analysis has become a method of choice over the last few decades. This analysis involves …
analysis has become a method of choice over the last few decades. This analysis involves …
Spatial variability of infiltration patterns related to site characteristics in a semi-arid watershed
N Van Schaik - Catena, 2009 - Elsevier
Preferential flow may strongly affect hydrology at different scales. Measurement of
preferential flow however remains very difficult. Tracer-infiltration profiles are often used to …
preferential flow however remains very difficult. Tracer-infiltration profiles are often used to …
Meta-analysis of the effects of soil properties, site factors and experimental conditions on solute transport
Preferential flow is a widespread phenomenon that is known to strongly affect solute
transport in soil, but our understanding and knowledge is still poor of the site factors and soil …
transport in soil, but our understanding and knowledge is still poor of the site factors and soil …
Recharge estimation and soil moisture dynamics in a Mediterranean, semi-arid karst region
Knowledge of soil moisture dynamics in the unsaturated soil zone provides valuable
information on the temporal and spatial variability of groundwater recharge. This is …
information on the temporal and spatial variability of groundwater recharge. This is …
Linking spatial earthworm distribution to macropore numbers and hydrological effectiveness
Due to its high spatial and temporal variability, preferential flow is difficult to measure and
quantify. Earthworms create macropores that provide common pathways for preferential …
quantify. Earthworms create macropores that provide common pathways for preferential …
Controls of land use and soil structure on water movement: Lessons for pollutant transfer through the unsaturated zone
S Bachmair, M Weiler, G Nützmann - Journal of Hydrology, 2009 - Elsevier
To address the effects of land use and land cover (LULC) on soil structure formation and the
significance on preferential flow during infiltration, dye tracer experiments were conducted …
significance on preferential flow during infiltration, dye tracer experiments were conducted …
Preferential flow patterns in forested hillslopes of east Tibetan Plateau revealed by dye tracing and soil moisture network
F Wang, G Wang, J Cui, L Guo… - European Journal of …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Preferential flow (PF) through soil and regolith results in a rapid vertical and lateral water
movement within the profile. This study focused on quantifying PF in contrasting forested …
movement within the profile. This study focused on quantifying PF in contrasting forested …