Public attitudes toward immigration
Immigrant populations in many developed democracies have grown rapidly, and so too has
an extensive literature on natives' attitudes toward immigration. This research has …
an extensive literature on natives' attitudes toward immigration. This research has …
[CARTE][B] White identity politics
A Jardina - 2019 - books.google.com
Amidst discontent over America's growing diversity, many white Americans now view the
political world through the lens of a racial identity. Whiteness was once thought to be …
political world through the lens of a racial identity. Whiteness was once thought to be …
[CARTE][B] Anxious politics: Democratic citizenship in a threatening world
B Albertson, SK Gadarian - 2015 - books.google.com
Emotions matter in politics-enthusiastic supporters return politicians to office, angry citizens
march in the streets, a fearful public demands protection from the government. Anxious …
march in the streets, a fearful public demands protection from the government. Anxious …
Why public health framing matters: An experimental study of the effects of COVID-19 framing on prejudice and xenophobia in the United States
The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered a notable increase in the expression of prejudicial
and xenophobic attitudes that threaten the wellbeing of minority groups and contribute to the …
and xenophobic attitudes that threaten the wellbeing of minority groups and contribute to the …
Ebola, elections, and immigration: how politicizing an epidemic can shape public attitudes
Ebola emerged on US soil during the 2014 midterm election campaign, and the threat of
infectious disease became prominent in political rhetoric. African immigrant communities …
infectious disease became prominent in political rhetoric. African immigrant communities …
Exposure to immigration and admission preferences: Evidence from France
To what extent does exposure to immigration condition the types of immigrants citizens are
willing to admit? Extending the conjoint approach adopted by Hainmueller and Hopkins (Am …
willing to admit? Extending the conjoint approach adopted by Hainmueller and Hopkins (Am …
Group empathy theory: The effect of group empathy on US intergroup attitudes and behavior in the context of immigration threats
Group Empathy Theory posits empathy felt by members of one group can boost support for
another even when the groups are in direct competition for rights, security, and resources …
another even when the groups are in direct competition for rights, security, and resources …
The emotional foundations of democratic citizenship
T Brader, E Cikanek - New directions in public opinion, 2019 - taylorfrancis.com
In this chapter, the authors discuss the political implications of a number of discrete
emotional reactions such as anger, enthusiasm, fear, pride, shame, guilt, and disgust …
emotional reactions such as anger, enthusiasm, fear, pride, shame, guilt, and disgust …
How local media coverage of voter fraud influences partisan perceptions in the United States
Extant findings show that voter fraud is extremely rare and difficult to prove in the United
States. Voter's knowledge about voter fraud allegations likely comes through the media, who …
States. Voter's knowledge about voter fraud allegations likely comes through the media, who …
“One Muslim is enough!” Evidence from a field experiment in France
Anti-Muslim prejudice is widespread in Western countries. Yet, Muslims are expected to
constitute a growing share of the total population in these countries over the next decades …
constitute a growing share of the total population in these countries over the next decades …