Counterproductive sustainable investing: The impact elasticity of brown and green firms

SM Hartzmark, K Shue - Available at SSRN 4359282, 2022 -
We develop a new measure of impact elasticity: the change in a firm's environmental impact
due to a change in its cost of capital. We find that reducing green firms' financing costs leads …

[PDF][PDF] Climate capitalists

NJ Gormsen, K Huber, SS Oh - 2024 -
Climate change has raised the question of how to incentivize green investments by firms
even when the returns to green investments are low relative to emissionintensive …

[PDF][PDF] Climate transition beliefs

M Ceccarelli, S Ramelli - Swiss Finance Institute Research …, 2024 -
We study expectations about the trajectory of the energy transition (climate transition beliefs)
as drivers of “green” investment decisions and return expectations. In a survey of US retail …

[PDF][PDF] Financing the global shift to electric mobility

J Bena, B Bian, H Tang - 2023 -
Using comprehensive auto loan data, we identify a gap in financing terms between Electric
Vehicles (EVs) and non-EVs. EVs, compared to their non-electric counterparts in the same …

[PDF][PDF] The Trouble with Rational Expectations in Heterogeneous Agent Models: A Challenge for Macroeconomics

B Moll - London School of Economics, mimeo, available at https …, 2024 -
The thesis of this essay is that, in heterogeneous agent macroeconomics, the assumption of
rational expectations about equilibrium prices is unrealistic, unnecessarily complicates …

Climate change and bank deposits

Ö Dursun-de Neef, S Ongena - Swiss Finance Institute Research …, 2024 -
Abnormally warm temperatures are associated with an increase in people's beliefs about
climate change. Using branch-level deposit data from the United States, we find that …

Do Households Matter for Asset Prices?

S Knüpfer, J Soerlie Kvaerner… - Available at SSRN …, 2024 -
Contrary to the common assertion that households have little impact on stock prices, we find
their relevance is of first order. We quantify their impact using an assetdemand system …

On the Relationship between Financial Distress and ESG Scores

C Lohmann, S Möllenhoff, S Lehner - Available at SSRN 4751503, 2024 -
This empirical study introduces the financial distress level obtained from a bankruptcy
prediction model as a new explanatory variable for ESG scores. Applying the nonparametric …

Allocative Efficiency of Green Finance Instruments

K Li, Y Wang, C Xu - Available at SSRN 4759752, 2024 -
This paper investigates the allocative efficiency of green finance instruments through a
general equilibrium model with heterogeneous firms and financial frictions. We emphasize …

[PDF][PDF] Optimal Environmental Regulation in the Presence of Sustainable Finance

H Kim - 2023 -
ㅇ This study offers essential insights into environmental economics, highlighting the
importance of integrating firms 'voluntary abatement efforts encouraged by sustainable …