A review of plant phenology in South and Central America

LPC Morellato, MGG Camargo, E Gressler - Phenology: an integrative …, 2013 - Springer
Phenology has established its status as an integrative environmental science and as a key
component for climate change research. We aim to present a review of phenological …

Evaluating Sentinel-2 and Landsat-8 data to map sucessional forest stages in a subtropical forest in Southern Brazil

C Sothe, CM Almeida, V Liesenberg, MB Schimalski - Remote Sensing, 2017 - mdpi.com
Studies designed to discriminate different successional forest stages play a strategic role in
forest management, forest policy and environmental conservation in tropical environments …

Interacting effects of temperature and precipitation on climatic sensitivity of spring vegetation green-up in arid mountains of China

J Du, Z He, KB Piatek, L Chen, P Lin, X Zhu - Agricultural and Forest …, 2019 - Elsevier
Vegetation spring phenology in arid mountain regions is undergoing profound changes as a
result of recent climate anomalies. While shifts in the timing of growth onset have been …

A review of the structure and dynamics of araucaria mixed forests in southern Brazil and northern Argentina

AF Souza - New Zealand Journal of Botany, 2021 - Taylor & Francis
ABSTRACT The Araucaria Mixed Forests (AMF) are subtropical conifer-hardwood mixed
forests that are part of the Atlantic forest floristic dominion in Brazil and Argentina. The AMF …

Flowering phenology, growth forms, and pollination syndromes in tropical dry forest species: Influence of phylogeny and abiotic factors

J Cortés‐Flores… - American Journal of …, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
PREMISE OF THE STUDY: Analyses of the influence of temporal variation in abiotic factors
on flowering phenology of tropical dry forest species have not considered the possible …

Urbanization homogenizes the interactions of plant-frugivore bird networks

I Schneiberg, D Boscolo, M Devoto, V Marcilio-Silva… - Urban …, 2020 - Springer
Anthropogenic activities are the main cause of habitat loss and fragmentation, which directly
affects biodiversity. Disruption in landscape connectivity among populations may affect …

The shared influence of phylogeny and ecology on the reproductive patterns of Myrteae (Myrtaceae)

VG Staggemeier, JAF Diniz‐Filho… - Journal of …, 2010 - Wiley Online Library
Many factors shape plant reproductive patterns including climate, competition or attraction of
pollinators and seed dispersers, flower and fruit morphologies and phylogenetic …

[KNJIGA][B] Global vegetation: fundamentals, ecology and distribution

JS Pfadenhauer, FA Klötzli - 2020 - books.google.com
This up-to-date textbook of global vegetation ecology, which comprises the current state of
knowledge, is long overdue and much-needed. It is a translation of the textbook “Vegetation …

Flowering patterns in a seasonal tropical lowland forest in western Amazonia

PR Stevenson, MC Castellanos, AI Cortés, A Link - Biotropica, 2008 - Wiley Online Library
The phenological behavior of many tropical plant species is highly dependent on rainfall, but
these plants may also respond to changes in photoperiod. Without a better knowledge of the …

Fenologia de espécies do dossel e do sub-bosque de duas Florestas de Restinga na Ilha do Mel, sul do Brasil

M Marques, PEAM Oliveira - Brazilian Journal of Botany, 2004 - SciELO Brasil
Devido à ampla distribuição geográfica, a Floresta Atlântica e os ecossistemas associados
estão sujeitos a condicionantes ambientais que variam de acordo com a latitude e que …