Cognitive theories and paradigmatic research posts in the function of multimedia teaching and learning
At present it is almost impossible to imagine formal and non-formal education without the
use of computers and information and communication technology (ICT), and we can rightly …
use of computers and information and communication technology (ICT), and we can rightly …
Inclusive Pedagogical Practice as a Predictor of Quality Early Childhood Education.
I Viskovic - European Journal of Educational Research, 2021 - ERIC
The quality of the educational process within the humanistic concept and holistic-
developmental approach is interpreted as the optimal adaptation to the individual needs and …
developmental approach is interpreted as the optimal adaptation to the individual needs and …
[PDF][PDF] Uvod u metodologiju društvenih znanosti
Obrazovanje već više od dva stoljeća čini važno razdoblje svačijeg života. Dok se nekada
obrazovanje smatralo statusnim simbolom, ono je danas postalo egzistencijalnom …
obrazovanje smatralo statusnim simbolom, ono je danas postalo egzistencijalnom …
[PDF][PDF] Raising awareness of the importance of reading to early childhood and preschool age children through lifelong education of parents
M Pergar, J Hadela - Croatian Journal of Education: Hrvatski časopis …, 2020 - hrcak.srce.hr
In the modern age, the importance of reading to children from an early age is undoubtedly
emphasized. Even though modern technology is present in all spheres of children's …
emphasized. Even though modern technology is present in all spheres of children's …
Children's play—The educator's opinion
The educator's personal role in understanding children's play is a key factor in planning
organization of educational process in kindergarten. An educator´ s personal paradigm is …
organization of educational process in kindergarten. An educator´ s personal paradigm is …
[PDF][PDF] Preschool Teachers' Music Competencies Based on Preschool Education Students' Self-Assessment.
BB Sušić - Croatian Journal of Education/Hrvatski Časopis za …, 2018 - bib.irb.hr
In view of numerous benefits of music in a child's overall development, music education is
increasingly becoming an imperative and a challenge of the contemporary education …
increasingly becoming an imperative and a challenge of the contemporary education …
Posreduje li profesionalno sagorijevanje učinke osobina ličnosti na zadovoljstvo životom odgojitelja predškolske djece?
Sažetak Zadovoljstvo životom jednog odgojitelja vrlo je važno za njegov kvalitetan rad u
kontekstu ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja. S obzirom na činjenicu da istraživanja …
kontekstu ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja. S obzirom na činjenicu da istraživanja …
Stavovi roditelja predškolske djece o ključnim kompetencijama važnima za budući uspjeh djeteta
V Vekić-Kljaić - Školski vjesnik: časopis za pedagogijsku teoriju i …, 2016 - hrcak.srce.hr
Sažetak Nacionalnim kurikulumom za rani i predškolski odgoj i obrazovanje potiče se i
osnažuje razvoj osam temeljnih kompetencija za cjeloživotno učenje. Ovaj rad istražuje …
osnažuje razvoj osam temeljnih kompetencija za cjeloživotno učenje. Ovaj rad istražuje …
Effective approaches to heritage education: Raising awareness through fine art practice
R Potočnik - International Journal of Education Through Art, 2018 - intellectdiscover.com
By learning about the problems of heritage preservation (conservation and protection of
cultural heritage) and by creating fine art products with interesting solutions based on well …
cultural heritage) and by creating fine art products with interesting solutions based on well …
Wikipedia as an academic service-learning tool in science and technology: higher education case from Siberia
Wikipedia, the open crowdsourced encyclopedia that anyone can edit, ranks among the top
ten most-visited websites globally. Its integration into university curriculum as an innovative …
ten most-visited websites globally. Its integration into university curriculum as an innovative …