Anaerobic exercise and recovery: Roles and implications for mortality in Pacific Salmon
Routinely, fish encounter stressors and conditions that require the use of anaerobic
exercise, including esca** predators, capturing prey, and interacting with fisheries …
exercise, including esca** predators, capturing prey, and interacting with fisheries …
Biotelemetry informing management: case studies exploring successful integration of biotelemetry data into fisheries and habitat management
Biotelemetry data have been successfully incorporated into aspects of fishery and fish
habitat management; however, the processes of knowledge mobilization are rarely …
habitat management; however, the processes of knowledge mobilization are rarely …
A synthesis to understand responses to capture stressors among fish discarded from commercial fisheries and options for mitigating their severity
Discarding non‐target fish from commercial fisheries is controversial and has been a
persistent concern for fisheries managers globally. Discard management strategies typically …
persistent concern for fisheries managers globally. Discard management strategies typically …
Capture severity, infectious disease processes and sex influence post-release mortality of sockeye salmon bycatch
Bycatch is a common occurrence in heavily fished areas such as the Fraser River, British
Columbia, where fisheries target returning adult Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) en …
Columbia, where fisheries target returning adult Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) en …
The Ocean Tracking Network: Advancing frontiers in aquatic science and management
Aquatic animals are integral to ocean and freshwater ecosystems and their resilience, are
depended upon globally for food sustainability, and support coastal communities and …
depended upon globally for food sustainability, and support coastal communities and …
Consequences of catch-and-release angling on the physiology, behaviour and survival of wild steelhead Oncorhynchus mykiss in the Bulkley River, British Columbia
Steelhead, the anadromous form of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), is one of the most
coveted recreationally targeted salmonids worldwide, and catch-and-release (C&R) is …
coveted recreationally targeted salmonids worldwide, and catch-and-release (C&R) is …
Fisheries capture and infectious agents are associated with travel rate and survival of Chinook salmon during spawning migration
Following interactions with fisheries gear, fishes may experience delayed mortality or
display modified behavior. The physiological status of fish at the time of capture, including …
display modified behavior. The physiological status of fish at the time of capture, including …
[HTML][HTML] Kingfish (Seriola lalandi) adjust to low salinity with only subtle effects to cardiorespiratory and growth performance
At reduced salinities nearing isosmotic conditions, marine fishes experience reduced
osmotic gradients between body fluids and the surrounding water, which should lower …
osmotic gradients between body fluids and the surrounding water, which should lower …
Cumulative effects of thermal and fisheries stressors reveal sex-specific effects on infection development and early mortality of adult coho salmon (Oncorhynchus …
Multiple stressors are commonly encountered by wild animals, but their cumulative effects
are poorly understood, especially regarding infection development. We conducted a holding …
are poorly understood, especially regarding infection development. We conducted a holding …
Linking environmental factors with reflex action mortality predictors, physiological stress, and post-release movement behaviour to evaluate the response of white …
White sturgeon are the largest freshwater fish in North America and are the focus of an
intense catch-and-release (C&R) fishery; the effects are largely unknown. We assessed the …
intense catch-and-release (C&R) fishery; the effects are largely unknown. We assessed the …