Provid: Progressive and multimodal vehicle reidentification for large-scale urban surveillance
Compared with person reidentification, which has attracted concentrated attention, vehicle
reidentification is an important yet frontier problem in video surveillance and has been …
reidentification is an important yet frontier problem in video surveillance and has been …
Person reidentification via ranking aggregation of similarity pulling and dissimilarity pushing
Person reidentification is a key technique to match different persons observed in
nonoverlap** camera views. Many researchers treat it as a special object-retrieval …
nonoverlap** camera views. Many researchers treat it as a special object-retrieval …
Chestxraybert: A pretrained language model for chest radiology report summarization
Automatically generating the “impression” section of a radiology report given the “findings”
section can summarize as much salient information of the “findings” section as possible, thus …
section can summarize as much salient information of the “findings” section as possible, thus …
Part-aware progressive unsupervised domain adaptation for person re-identification
Unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) aims to mitigate the domain shift that occurs when
transferring knowledge from a labeled source domain to an unlabeled target domain. While …
transferring knowledge from a labeled source domain to an unlabeled target domain. While …
Person retrieval in surveillance videos via deep attribute mining and reasoning
Person retrieval largely relies on the appearance features of pedestrians. This task is rather
more difficult in surveillance videos due to the limitations of extracting robust appearance …
more difficult in surveillance videos due to the limitations of extracting robust appearance …
Large margin learning in set-to-set similarity comparison for person reidentification
Person reidentification aims at matching images of the same person across disjoint camera
views, which is a challenging problem in multimedia analysis, multimedia editing, and …
views, which is a challenging problem in multimedia analysis, multimedia editing, and …
Multi-correlation filters with triangle-structure constraints for object tracking
Correlation filters (CFs) have been extensively used in tracking tasks due to their high
efficiency although most of them regard the tracked target as a whole and are minimally …
efficiency although most of them regard the tracked target as a whole and are minimally …
Structured deep hashing with convolutional neural networks for fast person re-identification
Given a pedestrian image as a query, the purpose of person re-identification is to identify the
correct match from a large collection of gallery images depicting the same person captured …
correct match from a large collection of gallery images depicting the same person captured …
Image to video person re-identification by learning heterogeneous dictionary pair with feature projection matrix
Person re-identification plays an important role in video surveillance and forensics
applications. In many cases, person re-identification needs to be conducted between image …
applications. In many cases, person re-identification needs to be conducted between image …
GraphLSHC: towards large scale spectral hypergraph clustering
Hypergraph is popularly used for describing multi-relationships among objects in a unified
manner, and spectral clustering is regarded as one of the most effective algorithms for …
manner, and spectral clustering is regarded as one of the most effective algorithms for …