Colloidal hard spheres: Triumphs, challenges, and mysteries
The simplicity of hard spheres as a model system is deceptive. Although the particles
interact solely through volume exclusion, that nevertheless suffices for a wealth of static and …
interact solely through volume exclusion, that nevertheless suffices for a wealth of static and …
Lattice instabilities in metallic elements
Most metallic elements have a crystal structure that is either body-centered cubic (bcc), face-
centered close packed, or hexagonal close packed. If the bcc lattice is the …
centered close packed, or hexagonal close packed. If the bcc lattice is the …
[HTML][HTML] The bacterial cytoplasm has glass-like properties and is fluidized by metabolic activity
The physical nature of the bacterial cytoplasm is poorly understood even though it
determines cytoplasmic dynamics and hence cellular physiology and behavior. Through …
determines cytoplasmic dynamics and hence cellular physiology and behavior. Through …
The physics of the colloidal glass transition
As one increases the concentration of a colloidal suspension, the system exhibits a dramatic
increase in viscosity. Beyond a certain concentration, the system is said to be a colloidal …
increase in viscosity. Beyond a certain concentration, the system is said to be a colloidal …
Three-dimensional direct imaging of structural relaxation near the colloidal glass transition
Confocal microscopy was used to directly observe three-dimensional dynamics of particles
in colloidal supercooled fluids and colloidal glasses. The fastest particles moved …
in colloidal supercooled fluids and colloidal glasses. The fastest particles moved …
[ספר][B] The glass transition: relaxation dynamics in liquids and disordered materials
E Donth - 2013 - books.google.com
The glass transition is well known to glass makers or from the common ex perience of drying
a used chewing gum. A liquid melt or a rubber becomes a solid glass when its temperature …
a used chewing gum. A liquid melt or a rubber becomes a solid glass when its temperature …
Spatially heterogeneous dynamics investigated via a time-dependent four-point density correlation function
Relaxation in supercooled liquids above their glass transition and below the onset
temperature of “slow” dynamics involves the correlated motion of neighboring particles. This …
temperature of “slow” dynamics involves the correlated motion of neighboring particles. This …
The relationship of dynamical heterogeneity to the Adam-Gibbs and random first-order transition theories of glass formation
We carefully examine common measures of dynamical heterogeneity for a model polymer
melt and test how these scales compare with those hypothesized by the Adam and Gibbs …
melt and test how these scales compare with those hypothesized by the Adam and Gibbs …
Interfacial mobility scale determines the scale of collective motion and relaxation rate in polymer films
Thin polymer films are ubiquitous in manufacturing and medical applications, and there has
been intense interest in how film thickness and substrate interactions influence film …
been intense interest in how film thickness and substrate interactions influence film …
Confocal microscopy of colloids
V Prasad, D Semwogerere… - Journal of Physics …, 2007 - iopscience.iop.org
Colloids have increasingly been used to characterize or mimic many aspects of atomic and
molecular systems. With confocal microscopy these colloidal particles can be tracked …
molecular systems. With confocal microscopy these colloidal particles can be tracked …