Experimental and numerical analyses of the thermo-mechanical stability of an embankment with shady and sunny slopes in a permafrost region
The hydro-thermo-mechanical state is important for embankments in permafrost regions,
especially for the embankments with shady and sunny slopes. It is difficult to determine the …
especially for the embankments with shady and sunny slopes. It is difficult to determine the …
Consequences of permafrost degradation for Arctic infrastructure–bridging the model gap between regional and engineering scales
Infrastructure built on perennially frozen ice-rich ground relies heavily on thermally stable
subsurface conditions. Climate warming-induced deepening of ground thaw puts such …
subsurface conditions. Climate warming-induced deepening of ground thaw puts such …
Advancements in talik research and a novel approach to treatment for talik beneath subgrade
Y Wang, F Niu - Journal of Cold Regions Engineering, 2024 - ascelibrary.org
The warming trend presents a significant threat to the underlying permafrost. Talik formation
is widely recognized as a significant mechanism of permafrost degradation. Our research …
is widely recognized as a significant mechanism of permafrost degradation. Our research …
Recent advances (2010–2019) in the study of taliks
Taliks are bodies or layers of unfrozen ground in permafrost areas. Recent research on
taliks has been driven largely by the potential for release of greenhouse gases as taliks …
taliks has been driven largely by the potential for release of greenhouse gases as taliks …
Stability behavior of a reservoir soil bank slope under freeze-thaw cycles in cold regions
Z Qin, Y Lai, Y Tian, M Zhang - Cold Regions Science and Technology, 2021 - Elsevier
The instability of irrigation reservoir bank slopes in cold regions has seriously affected the
benign development of irrigation areas and agricultural production in recent years. To …
benign development of irrigation areas and agricultural production in recent years. To …
Cooling performance of two-phase closed thermosyphons installed at a highway embankment in permafrost regions
F Yu, J Qi, M Zhang, Y Lai, X Yao, Y Liu… - Applied Thermal …, 2016 - Elsevier
Two-phase closed thermosyphon (TPCT) is a popular way to prevent permafrost layers from
degrading, and consequently ensure the stabilities of engineering constructions in …
degrading, and consequently ensure the stabilities of engineering constructions in …
Ground temperatures and permafrost warming from forest to tundra, Tuktoyaktuk Coastlands and Anderson Plain, NWT, Canada
Annual mean ground temperatures (Tg) decline northward from approximately− 3.0° C in the
boreal forest to− 7.0° C in dwarf‐shrub tundra in the Tuktoyuktuk Coastlands and Anderson …
boreal forest to− 7.0° C in dwarf‐shrub tundra in the Tuktoyuktuk Coastlands and Anderson …
Adsorbed cation effects on unfrozen water in fine-grained frozen soil measured using pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance
AM Kruse, MM Darrow - Cold Regions Science and Technology, 2017 - Elsevier
Unfrozen water within frozen soils is a key component that determines a soil's
thermophysical response to changing physical and environmental conditions. The …
thermophysical response to changing physical and environmental conditions. The …
Impacts of variations in snow cover on permafrost stability, including simulated snow management, Dempster Highway, Peel Plateau, Northwest Territories
Permafrost conditions were examined near the Dempster Highway embankment on Peel
Plateau, Northwest Territories. Ground temperatures were recorded in 2013–2015 at five …
Plateau, Northwest Territories. Ground temperatures were recorded in 2013–2015 at five …
Thermal modeling of heat balance through embankments in permafrost regions
Permafrost is widely distributed in the northern hemisphere and permafrost degradation
underneath transportation infrastructure is on-going due to many factors, such as climate …
underneath transportation infrastructure is on-going due to many factors, such as climate …