The relation between 21st-century skills and digital skills: A systematic literature review

E Van Laar, AJAM Van Deursen, JAGM Van Dijk… - Computers in human …, 2017 - Elsevier
Innovation starts with people, making the human capital within the workforce decisive. In a
fast-changing knowledge economy, 21 st-century digital skills drive organizations' …

Complex problem solving: What it is and what it is not

D Dörner, J Funke - Frontiers in psychology, 2017 -
Computer-simulated scenarios have been part of psychological research on problem
solving for more than 40 years. The shift in emphasis from simple toy problems to complex …

Transversal competencies for employability: from higher education to the labour market

H Belchior-Rocha, I Casquilho-Martins, E Simões - Education Sciences, 2022 -
Aligning learning goals with the needs of the labour market is a difficult task for universities,
especially in the present day. Although organisations seek professionals with flexible and …

Develo** career-related skills through project-based learning

Y Lee, B Lee - Studies in Educational Evaluation, 2024 - Elsevier
In the future world of work, problem-solving skills will continue to be important assets for
youths. The present study tested the effectiveness of a 16-week and an additional 5-week …

Unsuccessful and successful complex problem solvers–A log file analysis of complex problem solving strategies across multiple tasks

B Nicolay, F Krieger, JT Kuhn, AC Graesser… - Intelligence, 2023 - Elsevier
Complex problem solving (CPS) is a key competence in educational contexts with strong
conceptual links to students' overall intelligence. However, the mechanisms underlying …

Examining the development of metacognitive strategy knowledge and its link to strategy application in complex problem solving–a longitudinal analysis

B Nicolay, F Krieger, M Stadler, MP Vainikainen… - Metacognition and …, 2022 - Springer
The ability to solve complex problems successfully represents a key competence for
students' educational success and beyond. While strategy application and metastrategic …

Creative action research

R Cox, C Heykoop, S Fletcher, T Hill… - Educational Action …, 2021 - Taylor & Francis
ABSTRACT Youth-Creative Action Research (Y-CAR) is a variant of participatory action
research specifically suited for exploring and develo** evidence-informed innovations to …

Analysis of soft skills and job level with data science: A case for graduates of a private university

S Ramos-Pulido, N Hernández-Gress… - Informatics, 2023 -
This study shows the significant features predicting graduates' job levels, particularly high-
level positions. Moreover, it shows that data science methodologies can accurately predict …

Lost in transition–Learning analytics on the transfer from knowledge acquisition to knowledge application in complex problem solving

B Nicolay, F Krieger, M Stadler, J Gobert… - Computers in Human …, 2021 - Elsevier
Abstract Since Complex Problem Solving (CPS) skills represent a key competence for
educational success, they are of great relevance for learning analytics. More specifically …

[HTML][HTML] When less is less: Solving multiple simple problems is not complex problem solving—A comment on Greiff et al.(2015)

J Funke, A Fischer, DV Holt - Journal of Intelligence, 2017 -
In this commentary, we critically review the study of Greiff, Stadler, Sonnleitner, Wolff, and
Martin,“Sometimes less is more: Comparing the validity of complex problem solving …