Mastering chaos: A review
Chaos control remains a crucial area of study in nonlinear dynamics due to its ability to
enhance system stability and efficiency in various applications. This review thoroughly …
enhance system stability and efficiency in various applications. This review thoroughly …
Enhancing the trustworthiness of chaos and synchronization of chaotic satellite model: a practice of discrete fractional-order approaches
Accurate development of satellite maneuvers necessitates a broad orbital dynamical system
and efficient nonlinear control techniques. For achieving the intended formation, a …
and efficient nonlinear control techniques. For achieving the intended formation, a …
[HTML][HTML] Finite-time stabilization of a perturbed chaotic finance model
Introduction Robust, stable financial systems significantly improve the growth of an
economic system. The stabilization of financial systems poses the following challenges. The …
economic system. The stabilization of financial systems poses the following challenges. The …
Adaptive chaos synchronization of an attitude control of satellite: A backstep** based sliding mode approach
P Pal, GG **, S Bhakta, V Mukherjee - Heliyon, 2022 -
This paper uses adaptive backstep** sliding mode control to synchronize two satellite
attitude dynamics with perturbing torques. The external perturbing torques induce chaotic …
attitude dynamics with perturbing torques. The external perturbing torques induce chaotic …
A Lyapunov-based direct adaptive controller for the suppression and synchronization of a perturbed nuclear spin generator chaotic system
This article designs and synthesizes a new Lyapunov-based robust direct-adaptive
controller (RDAC) and investigates the control and synchronization of chaos in the nuclear …
controller (RDAC) and investigates the control and synchronization of chaos in the nuclear …
Research on vibration suppression of spacecraft flexible appendage based on nonlinear energy sink
S Zhang, Y Yang, Y Li, F Wang, Y Ge… - Journal of Vibration …, 2023 - Springer
Background With the fast development of aerospace technology, in order to improve the
carrying efficiency of spacecraft, its design is gradually moving towards lighter weight and …
carrying efficiency of spacecraft, its design is gradually moving towards lighter weight and …
Synchronization control of externally disturbed chaotic spacecraft in pre-assigned settling time
This article reports the design of a novel finite-time robust nonlinear controller for the
synchronization of two identical chaotic spacecraft. The proposed controller does not cancel …
synchronization of two identical chaotic spacecraft. The proposed controller does not cancel …
Function-link fuzzy cerebellar model articulation controller design for nonlinear chaotic systems using TOPSIS multiple attribute decision-making method
This paper aims to propose a more efficient control algorithm to select suitable firing nodes,
improve the computational efficiency, reduce the number of firing rules and achieve good …
improve the computational efficiency, reduce the number of firing rules and achieve good …
Robust attitude control of the three-dimensional unknown chaotic satellite system
This paper proposes a novel continuous-time robust direct adaptive controller for the attitude
control of the three-dimensional unknown chaotic spacecraft system. It considers that the …
control of the three-dimensional unknown chaotic spacecraft system. It considers that the …
[PDF][PDF] The control of brushless DC motor for electric vehicle by using chaotic synchronization method
Brushless DC motor (BLDC) used in electric vehicles can be operated in normal weather
conditions and on straight roads, with chaotic dynamics of BLDC motor and high efficiency at …
conditions and on straight roads, with chaotic dynamics of BLDC motor and high efficiency at …