Rotating machinery fault-induced vibration signal modulation effects: A review with mechanisms, extraction methods and applications for diagnosis
Rotating machinery faults can induce characteristic modulation effects in a vibration signal,
and their diagnosis can thus be conducted by extracting fault-induced modulation features …
and their diagnosis can thus be conducted by extracting fault-induced modulation features …
Recent progress of chatter prediction, detection and suppression in milling
L Zhu, C Liu - Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2020 - Elsevier
Machining chatter has been studied by scholars over the past decades, since chatter has a
significant impact on surface quality and productivity. Researchers have carried out …
significant impact on surface quality and productivity. Researchers have carried out …
Intelligent fault identification of hydraulic pump using deep adaptive normalized CNN and synchrosqueezed wavelet transform
S Tang, Y Zhu, S Yuan - Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2022 - Elsevier
Hydraulic piston pump is known as one of the most critical parts in a typical hydraulic
transmission system. It is imperative to probe into an accurate fault diagnosis method to …
transmission system. It is imperative to probe into an accurate fault diagnosis method to …
High-order synchrosqueezing transform for multicomponent signals analysis—With an application to gravitational-wave signal
This paper puts forward a generalization of the short-time Fourier-based synchrosqueezing
transform using a new local estimate of instantaneous frequency. Such a technique enables …
transform using a new local estimate of instantaneous frequency. Such a technique enables …
Bayesian deep-learning-based health prognostics toward prognostics uncertainty
Deep-learning-based health prognostics is receiving ever-increasing attention. Most existing
methods leverage advanced neural networks for prognostics performance improvement …
methods leverage advanced neural networks for prognostics performance improvement …
Empirical wavelet transform
J Gilles - IEEE transactions on signal processing, 2013 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Some recent methods, like the empirical mode decomposition (EMD), propose to
decompose a signal accordingly to its contained information. Even though its adaptability …
decompose a signal accordingly to its contained information. Even though its adaptability …
A survey of speech emotion recognition in natural environment
While speech emotion recognition (SER) has been an active research field since the last
three decades, the techniques that deal with the natural environment have only emerged in …
three decades, the techniques that deal with the natural environment have only emerged in …
Second-order synchrosqueezing transform or invertible reassignment? Towards ideal time-frequency representations
This paper considers the analysis of multicomponent signals, defined as superpositions of
real or complex modulated waves. It introduces two new post-transformations for the short …
real or complex modulated waves. It introduces two new post-transformations for the short …
Time-frequency reassignment and synchrosqueezing: An overview
This article provides a general overview of time-frequency (TF) reassignment and
synchrosqueezing techniques applied to multicomponent signals, covering the theoretical …
synchrosqueezing techniques applied to multicomponent signals, covering the theoretical …
Automatic microseismic denoising and onset detection using the synchrosqueezed continuous wavelet transform
Typical microseismic data recorded by surface arrays are characterized by low signal-to-
noise ratios (S/Ns) and highly nonstationary noise that make it difficult to detect small events …
noise ratios (S/Ns) and highly nonstationary noise that make it difficult to detect small events …