Improved blind spectrum sensing by covariance matrix Cholesky decomposition and RBF-SVM decision classification at low SNRs
J Bao, J Nie, C Liu, B Jiang, F Zhu, J He - IEEE Access, 2019 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
An improved blind spectrum sensing scheme is established by the covariance matrix
Cholesky decomposition and radial basis function (RBF)-support vector machine (SVM) …
Cholesky decomposition and radial basis function (RBF)-support vector machine (SVM) …
Subband energy based reduced complexity spectrum sensing under noise uncertainty and frequency-selective spectral characteristics
The present work proposes a subband energy detection method that performs efficiently
under noise uncertainty (NU) and frequency-selective channels. The critical impact of …
under noise uncertainty (NU) and frequency-selective channels. The critical impact of …
Feasibility of maximum eigenvalue cooperative spectrum sensing based on Cholesky factorisation
An efficient cooperative spectrum sensing (SS) scheme based on Cholesky decomposition
of the covariance matrix is proposed. The maximum eigenvalue (ME) of the matrix obtained …
of the covariance matrix is proposed. The maximum eigenvalue (ME) of the matrix obtained …
Eigenvalue-based spectrum 'hole' detection for Nakagami-m fading channels with Gaussian and impulse noise
N Pillay, HJ Xu - IET communications, 2012 - IET
The detection of spectrum 'holes' is one of the primary tasks of a cognitive radio (CR). Blind
detection techniques using eigenvalues have attracted a great amount of interest because of …
detection techniques using eigenvalues have attracted a great amount of interest because of …
A dual-threshold state analysis and fault location method for power system based on random matrix theory
J Zhang, D Wu - Nonlinear Dynamics, 2022 - Springer
Traditional single-threshold state analysis and fault location methods for power system still
need to improve in detection accuracy and applicability. In this paper, a dual-threshold state …
need to improve in detection accuracy and applicability. In this paper, a dual-threshold state …
A blind weighted MUSIC based detection for spatial spectrum sensing
State-of-the-art sensing methods only exploit three dimensions of the spectrum space:
frequency, time and geography whereas the angle dimension, that is, spatial spectrum …
frequency, time and geography whereas the angle dimension, that is, spatial spectrum …
Feasibly efficient cooperative spectrum sensing scheme based on Cholesky decomposition of the correlation matrix
Cooperative spectrum sensing, proposed to improve the performance of spectrum sensing
in cognitive radio systems where there are multiple secondary users who can cooperatively …
in cognitive radio systems where there are multiple secondary users who can cooperatively …
Improved two-stage spectrum sensing for cognitive radio networks
Cognitive radio employs an opportunistic spectrum access approach to ensure efficient
utilization of the available spectrum by secondary users (SUs). To allow SUs to access the …
utilization of the available spectrum by secondary users (SUs). To allow SUs to access the …
Optimum number of secondary users in cooperative spectrum sensing methods based on random matrix theory
Cognitive Radio is an opportunistic solution in wireless networks for optimal usage of
allocated spectrum and the most important part of cognitive radio is spectrum sensing. It has …
allocated spectrum and the most important part of cognitive radio is spectrum sensing. It has …
Spectrum sensing in cognitive radio networks: A survey
PTV Bhuvaneswari - Introduction to Cognitive Radio Networks …, 2016 - taylorfrancis.com
The scarcity of electromagnetic radio spectrum is due to its increasing usage day by day.
However, the allocated spectrum is underutilized due to the conventional approach of …
However, the allocated spectrum is underutilized due to the conventional approach of …