Wearable technology for personalized construction safety monitoring and trending: Review of applicable devices
The construction process is considered a very risky endeavor because of the high frequency
of work-related injuries and fatalities. The collection and analysis of safety data is an …
of work-related injuries and fatalities. The collection and analysis of safety data is an …
Enhancing construction safety monitoring through the application of internet of things and wearable sensing devices: A review
The high frequency of work-related injuries and fatalities experienced on construction sites
makes the construction process a very hazardous endeavor. The collection and analysis of …
makes the construction process a very hazardous endeavor. The collection and analysis of …
Monitoring fatigue in construction workers using physiological measurements
Fatigue is one of the factors leading to reduction in productivity, poor quality of work and
increased risk of accidents in construction. Existing established methods of assessing …
increased risk of accidents in construction. Existing established methods of assessing …
Real-time construction worker posture analysis for ergonomics training
SJ Ray, J Teizer - Advanced Engineering Informatics, 2012 - Elsevier
Construction activities performed by workers are usually repetitive and physically
demanding. Execution of such tasks in awkward postures can strain their body parts and can …
demanding. Execution of such tasks in awkward postures can strain their body parts and can …
Data fusion of real-time location sensing and physiological status monitoring for ergonomics analysis of construction workers
Previous research and applications in construction resource optimization have focused on
tracking the location of material and equipment. There is a lack of studies on remote …
tracking the location of material and equipment. There is a lack of studies on remote …
A robotic wearable exoskeleton for construction worker's safety and health
While construction is a major contributor to the US economy, it is reported that construction
trades workers retire early due to work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) and …
trades workers retire early due to work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) and …
[HTML][HTML] Risk assessment on the construction site with the use of wearable technologies
The construction industry is one of the sectors where accidents causing injuries among
workers appear more frequently than in other industries. The safety issues are of high …
workers appear more frequently than in other industries. The safety issues are of high …
A fuzzy logic approach to posture-based ergonomic analysis for field observation and assessment of construction manual operations
In construction, workers are frequently exposed to ergonomic risks that can lead to
musculoskeletal disorders. To prevent ergonomic injuries, proper assessment of ergonomic …
musculoskeletal disorders. To prevent ergonomic injuries, proper assessment of ergonomic …
[HTML][HTML] Technological advancements in occupational health and safety
Work has a major impact on the health of the community. Occupational hazards exist in
every workplace, only the type of the hazard or the intensity of the hazard might differ …
every workplace, only the type of the hazard or the intensity of the hazard might differ …
Systematic literature review of wearable devices and data analytics for construction safety and health
Improving worker safety and health is one of the most important managerial points on
construction sites, attributed to their poor safety record (eg, high fatality and injury rates) …
construction sites, attributed to their poor safety record (eg, high fatality and injury rates) …