Best practices in eye tracking research
This guide describes best practices in using eye tracking technology for research in a variety
of disciplines. A basic outline of the anatomy and physiology of the eyes and of eye …
of disciplines. A basic outline of the anatomy and physiology of the eyes and of eye …
Recent advances and current trends in brain‐computer interface research and their applications
Brain‐computer interface (BCI) provides direct communication between the brain and an
external device. BCI systems have become a trendy field of research in recent years. These …
external device. BCI systems have become a trendy field of research in recent years. These …
[HTML][HTML] Optimizing the ICA-based removal of ocular EEG artifacts from free viewing experiments
Combining EEG with eye-tracking is a promising approach to study neural correlates of
natural vision, but the resulting recordings are also heavily contaminated by activity of the …
natural vision, but the resulting recordings are also heavily contaminated by activity of the …
Regression-based analysis of combined EEG and eye-tracking data: Theory and applications
Abstract Fixation-related potentials (FRPs), neural responses aligned to the end of
saccades, are a promising tool for studying the dynamics of attention and cognition under …
saccades, are a promising tool for studying the dynamics of attention and cognition under …
Fixation-related brain potentials during semantic integration of object–scene information
In vision science, a particularly controversial topic is whether and how quickly the semantic
information about objects is available outside foveal vision. Here, we aimed at contributing …
information about objects is available outside foveal vision. Here, we aimed at contributing …
Neurophysiological indicators of internal attention: An electroencephalography–eye‐tracking coregistration study
Introduction Many goal‐directed and spontaneous everyday activities (eg, planning, mind
wandering) rely on an internal focus of attention. Internally directed cognition (IDC) was …
wandering) rely on an internal focus of attention. Internally directed cognition (IDC) was …
Measurement of saccadic eye movements by electrooculography for simultaneous EEG recording
Eye movements are an important index of the neural functions of visual information
processing, decision making, visuomotor coordination, sports performance, and so forth …
processing, decision making, visuomotor coordination, sports performance, and so forth …
Visual attention and cognitive process in construction hazard recognition: Study of fixation-related potential
Previous studies on hazard recognition focused on single-mode neuropsychological
responses using eye tracking or neuroimaging techniques, reflecting a limited …
responses using eye tracking or neuroimaging techniques, reflecting a limited …
[HTML][HTML] Neurophysiological indicators of internal attention: An fMRI–eye-tracking coregistration study
Many goal-directed, as well as spontaneous everyday activities (eg, planning, mind-
wandering), rely on an internal focus of attention. This fMRI–eye-tracking coregistration …
wandering), rely on an internal focus of attention. This fMRI–eye-tracking coregistration …
EEG negativity in fixations used for gaze-based control: Toward converting intentions into actions with an eye-brain-computer interface
We usually look at an object when we are going to manipulate it. Thus, eye tracking can be
used to communicate intended actions. An effective human-machine interface, however …
used to communicate intended actions. An effective human-machine interface, however …