[HTML][HTML] Raising the child—do screen media help or hinder? The quality over quantity hypothesis
Screen media are ubiquitous in human life across all age, cultural and socioeconomic
groups. The ceaseless and dynamic growth of technological possibilities has given rise to …
groups. The ceaseless and dynamic growth of technological possibilities has given rise to …
Broadening convenience samples to advance theoretical progress and avoid bias in developmental science
Diverse samples are valuable to the study of development, and to psychology more broadly.
But convenience samples—typically recruited from local populations close to universities …
But convenience samples—typically recruited from local populations close to universities …
Children over‐imitate adults and peers more than puppets
Researchers commonly use puppets in development science. Amongst other things,
puppets are employed to reduce social hierarchies between child participants and adult …
puppets are employed to reduce social hierarchies between child participants and adult …
Revisiting the video deficit in technology-saturated environments: Successful imitation from people, screens, and social robots
The “video deficit” is a well-documented effect whereby children learn less well about
information delivered via a screen than the same information delivered in person. Research …
information delivered via a screen than the same information delivered in person. Research …
Does appearance affect children's selective trust in robots' social and emotional testimony?
Robots are increasingly influencing young children's lives. However, little is known about
their human-like appearance affects children's trust in robot-provided information. Study 1 …
their human-like appearance affects children's trust in robot-provided information. Study 1 …
Greek preschool teachers' readiness to teach online at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic had a significant impact around the world and has drastically
changed the field of education. In addition to instructional materials, new technologies …
changed the field of education. In addition to instructional materials, new technologies …
To copy or not to copy: A comparison of selective trust and overimitation in young children
M Dragon, D Poulin-Dubois - Cognitive Development, 2023 - Elsevier
Two social learning strategies that develop rapidly during the preschool period are selective
trust and overimitation. To our knowledge, no study has directly compared performance on …
trust and overimitation. To our knowledge, no study has directly compared performance on …
Multimedia human-computer interaction method in video animation based on artificial intelligence technology
L Sun, N Kwak - International Journal of Information Technology and …, 2024 - igi-global.com
With the development of computer technology innovation, be able to deal with the media
comprehensive information and real-time information interaction with the computer …
comprehensive information and real-time information interaction with the computer …
The effects of model age and familiarity on children's reproduction of ritual behaviour
C Wang, Z Wang - British Journal of Developmental …, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Rituals are fundamental social acts that structure relationships and enable the filtering of
important cognitive attributes (eg working memory and inhibitory control) that make humans …
important cognitive attributes (eg working memory and inhibitory control) that make humans …
Schools as cultural reproduction devices
A prevailing view of education is that schools are designed to teach academic content
knowledge. Schools are thus predominantly studied in the context of content mastery and …
knowledge. Schools are thus predominantly studied in the context of content mastery and …