Why do males emerge before females? Sexual size dimorphism drives sexual bimaturism in insects
Conspecific females and males often follow different development trajectories which leads to
sex differences in age at maturity (sexual bimaturism, SBM). Whether SBM is typically …
sex differences in age at maturity (sexual bimaturism, SBM). Whether SBM is typically …
Sexual size dimorphism: evolution and perils of extreme phenotypes in spiders
Sexual size dimorphism is one of the most striking animal traits, and among terrestrial
animals, it is most extreme in certain spider lineages. The most extreme sexual size …
animals, it is most extreme in certain spider lineages. The most extreme sexual size …
Golden orbweavers ignore biological rules: phylogenomic and comparative analyses unravel a complex evolution of sexual size dimorphism
Instances of sexual size dimorphism (SSD) provide the context for rigorous tests of biological
rules of size evolution, such as Cope's rule (phyletic size increase), Rensch's rule (allometric …
rules of size evolution, such as Cope's rule (phyletic size increase), Rensch's rule (allometric …
Sexual dimorphism in Apfelbeckia insculpta (L. Koch, 1867)(Myriapoda: Diplopoda: Callipodida)
BS Ilić, BM Mitić, SE Makarov - Archives of Biological Sciences, 2017 - doiserbia.nb.rs
Apfelbeckia insculpta (L. Koch, 1867) is one of the largest European millipedes and an
endemic species of the Balkan Peninsula. We present data on sexual dimorphism in size …
endemic species of the Balkan Peninsula. We present data on sexual dimorphism in size …
Phylogeny of the orb‐weaving spider family Araneidae (Araneae: Araneoidea)
We present a new phylogeny of the spider family Araneidae based on five genes (28S, 18S,
COI, H3 and 16S) for 158 taxa, identified and mainly sequenced by us. This includes 25 …
COI, H3 and 16S) for 158 taxa, identified and mainly sequenced by us. This includes 25 …
Analysing body condition: mass, volume or density?
Summary 1 Body condition (defined as the relative amount of energy reserves in the body) is
an animal trait with strong ecological implications. In some animal taxa (eg arthropods), the …
an animal trait with strong ecological implications. In some animal taxa (eg arthropods), the …
Sexual size dimorphism requires a corresponding sex difference in development time: A meta‐analysis in insects
T Teder - Functional Ecology, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
The degree and direction of sexual size dimorphism (SSD) vary greatly between animal
species. At the ontogenetic level, SSD may result from sex differences in birth size, growth …
species. At the ontogenetic level, SSD may result from sex differences in birth size, growth …
Sexual selection and sexual size dimorphism in animals
Sexual selection is often considered as a critical evolutionary force promoting sexual size
dimorphism (SSD) in animals. However, empirical evidence for a positive relationship …
dimorphism (SSD) in animals. However, empirical evidence for a positive relationship …
Scramble competition polygyny in terrestrial arthropods
In describing the behavior and ecology of animals, the term “mating system” broadly
describes the population-or species-specific pattern of mating between individuals. While …
describes the population-or species-specific pattern of mating between individuals. While …
The interplay between natural and sexual selection in the evolution of sexual size dimorphism in Sceloporus lizards (Squamata: Phrynosomatidae)
Sexual size dimorphism (SSD) evolves because body size is usually related to reproductive
success through different pathways in females and males. Female body size is strongly …
success through different pathways in females and males. Female body size is strongly …