Analysing spatial patterns and trend of future urban expansion using SLEUTH
With the onset of rapid urban growth in the past 3 decades, a develo** country for
instance India, Africa, etc. has resulted in climatic and environmental changes severely …
instance India, Africa, etc. has resulted in climatic and environmental changes severely …
A review on availability of remote sensing data
K Raimond - 2015 IEEE Technological Innovation in ICT for …, 2015 -
The satellite images are applied on a wide range of applications. It plays a vital role in
monitoring and maintaining the environmental changes and also in many agricultural …
monitoring and maintaining the environmental changes and also in many agricultural …
Influence of land use/land cover change on land surface temperature using RS and GIS techniques
Remote sensing (RS) and geographic information system (GIS) techniques have been
extensively used over the world for the study of chronological changes in land use/land …
extensively used over the world for the study of chronological changes in land use/land …
A Study on Moyna Basin Water‐Logged Areas (India) Using Remote Sensing and GIS Methods and Their Contemporary Economic Significance
AS Sahu - Geography Journal, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
The prime objective of this paper is to identify and map the water‐logged areas within
Moyna basin, India, and to explore their contemporary economic significances. The Landsat …
Moyna basin, India, and to explore their contemporary economic significances. The Landsat …
Detecting temporal changes in Riyadh's urban heat island
Urban heat islands (UHIs) exist when temperature in the atmospheric boundary layer is
warmer above the urban area than it is above rural areas. Surface UHIs (SUHIs) exist when …
warmer above the urban area than it is above rural areas. Surface UHIs (SUHIs) exist when …
[PDF][PDF] Analysis of the relationship between spatial urban expansion and temperature utilising remote sensing and GIS techniques in the Accra and Kumasi …
BF Frimpong, ARG Asonomaso-Kwabre - 2022 -
Accra and Kumasi are the two major cities in Ghana. Spatial urban expansion has been
experienced in transforming different non-urban Land Use Land Cover (LULC) types into …
experienced in transforming different non-urban Land Use Land Cover (LULC) types into …
[HTML][HTML] Estimation of land surface temperature of Yola, North Eastern Nigeria using landsat-7 ETM+ satellite image
The land surface temperature of Yola (latitude 9° 11'N to 9° 20'N and longitude 12° 23'E to
12° 33'E) North-eastern Nigeria was estimated using landsat-7 ETM+ satellite images. ENVI …
12° 33'E) North-eastern Nigeria was estimated using landsat-7 ETM+ satellite images. ENVI …
[PDF][PDF] Application of GIS for Estimation of Brightness Temperature using Landsat Data in Kilite Awulalo, Tigray Ethiopia
A Tilahun - J. Environ. Earth Sci, 2015 - Citeseer
Put into practice of on Plantation and Domestic/home gardens, as an important component
of both rural and urban green infrastructure, could make significant contributions to rural and …
of both rural and urban green infrastructure, could make significant contributions to rural and …
NV Hùng, NH Hòa, NH Nghĩa - Tạp chí Khoa học và công nghệ …, 2019 -
Tóm tắt Nghiên cứu sử dụng dữ liệu ảnh Landsat 8 đa thời gian để ước tính giá trị nhiệt độ
bề mặt khu vực thành phố Sơn La giai đoạn 2015-2019, kết quả cho thấy giá trị nhiệt độ dao …
bề mặt khu vực thành phố Sơn La giai đoạn 2015-2019, kết quả cho thấy giá trị nhiệt độ dao …
Estimation of surface temperature using landsat satellite images and geographic information systems for environmental studies in iraq
HZ Ali - Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021 -
The local environment of a city is different for urban area in the center and the surroundings
rural. The urban area is 4 to 6 c warmer than its surroundings rural. Due to changes in urban …
rural. The urban area is 4 to 6 c warmer than its surroundings rural. Due to changes in urban …