Approaches to studying emotion using physiological responses to spoken narratives: a sco** review
Narratives are effective tools for evoking emotions, and physiological measurements provide
a means of objectively assessing emotional reactions–making them a potentially powerful …
a means of objectively assessing emotional reactions–making them a potentially powerful …
Standardization of protocol design for user training in EEG-based brain–computer interface
J Mladenović - Journal of Neural Engineering, 2021 -
Brain–computer interfaces (BCIs) are systems that enable a person to interact with a
machine using only neural activity. Such interaction can be non-intuitive for the user hence …
machine using only neural activity. Such interaction can be non-intuitive for the user hence …
Examining multimodel emotion assessment and resonance with audience on YouTube
In the multimedia era, understanding the emotional impact of content on platforms like
YouTube is crucial. This research explores the interplay between multimedia elements in …
YouTube is crucial. This research explores the interplay between multimedia elements in …
You escaped! How did you learn during gameplay?
A Veldkamp, J Rebecca Niese… - British Journal of …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
This study investigates the influence of the educational game design elements immersion,
collaboration and debriefing, on fostering learning with educational escape rooms. We …
collaboration and debriefing, on fostering learning with educational escape rooms. We …
Class integration of ChatGPT and learning analytics for higher education
Abstract Background Active Learning with AI‐tutoring in Higher Education tackles dropout
rates. Objectives To investigate teaching‐learning methodologies preferred by students …
rates. Objectives To investigate teaching‐learning methodologies preferred by students …
The 3D sound power of immersion processing and psychophysiological effects of binaural versus stereo audio stories
Many people are listening to fiction stories in podcasts and audiobooks. Some techniques,
such as 3D or binaural sound, might improve the listeners' sensory experience in this kind of …
such as 3D or binaural sound, might improve the listeners' sensory experience in this kind of …
Mexican validation of the International Affective Digitized Sounds second edition (IADS-2) and additional sounds
Affective stimuli have been extensively used in emotion research for a better understanding
of emotion regulation. Sound ratings, specifically non-verbal sounds, are biased by …
of emotion regulation. Sound ratings, specifically non-verbal sounds, are biased by …
Now you see me. Evaluating visual and auditory brand placement disclosures in music videos
This study investigates how different formats of brand placement disclosures influence brand
recall and brand attitude in music videos. Four formats of disclosures presenting different …
recall and brand attitude in music videos. Four formats of disclosures presenting different …
[PDF][PDF] Spatial sound and emotions: A literature survey on the relationship between spatially rendered audio and listeners' affective responses
A Stefanowska, SK Zieliński - International Journal of Electronics …, 2024 -
With the development of the entertainment industry, the need for immersive and emotionally
impactful sound design has emerged. Utilization of spatial sound is potentially the next step …
impactful sound design has emerged. Utilization of spatial sound is potentially the next step …
Data on neurophysiological and psychological responses to audio immersive experience in stereo and 3D audio formats
This dataset presents demographic, psychological, auditory and neurophysiological
information of 31 volunteers, who participated in an experiment measuring the auditory …
information of 31 volunteers, who participated in an experiment measuring the auditory …