Deprescribing for community-dwelling older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis
HE Bloomfield, N Greer, AM Linsky, J Bolduc… - Journal of general …, 2020 - Springer
Background Polypharmacy and use of inappropriate medications have been linked to
increased risk of falls, hospitalizations, cognitive impairment, and death. The primary …
increased risk of falls, hospitalizations, cognitive impairment, and death. The primary …
Barriers and facilitators to the use of clinical decision support systems in primary care: a mixed-methods systematic review
PY Meunier, C Raynaud, E Guimaraes… - The Annals of Family …, 2023 - annfammed.org
PURPOSE To identify and quantify the barriers and facilitators to the use of clinical decision
support systems (CDSSs) by primary care professionals (PCPs). METHODS A mixed …
support systems (CDSSs) by primary care professionals (PCPs). METHODS A mixed …
The effects of on‐screen, point of care computer reminders on processes and outcomes of care
Background The opportunity to improve care by delivering decision support to clinicians at
the point of care represents one of the main incentives for implementing sophisticated …
the point of care represents one of the main incentives for implementing sophisticated …
[HTML][HTML] Reducing potentially inappropriate prescriptions for older patients using computerized decision support tools: systematic review
Background Older adults are more vulnerable to polypharmacy and prescriptions of
potentially inappropriate medications. There are several ways to address polypharmacy to …
potentially inappropriate medications. There are several ways to address polypharmacy to …
Using electronic health records for clinical trials: Where do we stand and where can we go?
CMAJ| FEBRUARY 4, 2019| VOLUME 191| ISSUE 5 E129 and computerized physician
order entry systems (definitions in Table 1). This is done by identifying at-risk patients and …
order entry systems (definitions in Table 1). This is done by identifying at-risk patients and …
Using EMR-enabled computerized decision support systems to reduce prescribing of potentially inappropriate medications: a narrative review
Prescribing of potentially inappropriate medications (PIMs) that pose more risk than benefit
in older patients is a common occurrence across all healthcare settings. Reducing such …
in older patients is a common occurrence across all healthcare settings. Reducing such …
[HTML][HTML] Using deprescribing practices and the screening tool of older persons' potentially inappropriate prescriptions criteria to reduce harm and preventable adverse …
TR Earl, ND Katapodis, SR Schneiderman… - Journal of patient …, 2020 - journals.lww.com
Objectives Approximately 98% of older Americans are simultaneously taking 5—or more—
medications to manage at least 2 chronic conditions. Polypharmacy and the use of …
medications to manage at least 2 chronic conditions. Polypharmacy and the use of …
Effectiveness of interventions to reduce potentially inappropriate medication in older patients: a systematic review
Background: Age-related multiple comorbidities cause older adults to be prone to the use of
potentially inappropriate medicines (PIM) resulting in an increased risk of adverse events …
potentially inappropriate medicines (PIM) resulting in an increased risk of adverse events …
[HTML][HTML] Guidelines and mHealth to improve quality of hypertension and type 2 diabetes care for vulnerable populations in Lebanon: longitudinal cohort study
Background: Given the protracted nature of the crisis in Syria, the large noncommunicable
disease (NCD) caseload of Syrian refugees and host Lebanese, and the high costs of …
disease (NCD) caseload of Syrian refugees and host Lebanese, and the high costs of …
Workload and workflow implications associated with the use of electronic clinical decision support tools used by health professionals in general practice: a sco** …
Background Electronic clinical decision support tools (eCDS) are increasingly available to
assist General Practitioners (GP) with the diagnosis and management of a range of health …
assist General Practitioners (GP) with the diagnosis and management of a range of health …