Four easy pieces for assessing the usability of multimodal interaction: the CARE properties

J Coutaz, L Nigay, D Salber, A Blandford, J May… - … Interaction: Interact'95, 1995 - Springer
We propose the CARE properties as a simple way of characterising and assessing aspects
of multimodal interaction: the Complementarity, Assignment, Redundancy, and Equivalence …

A generic platform for addressing the multimodal challenge

L Nigay, J Coutaz - Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human …, 1995 -
Multimodal interactive systems support multiple interaction techniques such as the
synergistic use of speech and direct manipulation. The flexibility they offer results in an …

[KNYGA][B] Design principles for interactive software

G Cockton, C Gram - 1996 -
IFIP's Working Group 2.7 (13.4)* has, since its establishment in 1974, con centrated on the
software problems of user interfaces. From its original interest in operating systems …

[PDF][PDF] From single-user architectural design to PAC* a generic software architecture model for CSCW

G Calvary, J Coutaz, L Nigay - … of the ACM SIGCHI Conference on …, 1997 -
This article nqmts our tiection on softsvamamhiteetm modelling for multi-usersystems (or
groupware). Fi~ w introduce tk notion of software architecture and make explieit the design …

Multimodal interaction: a survey from model driven engineering and mobile perspectives

N Elouali, J Rouillard, X Le Pallec, JC Tarby - Journal on Multimodal User …, 2013 - Springer
The multimodal interaction is becoming richer in last years thanks to the increasing evolution
of mobile devices (smartphones/tablets) and their embedded sensors including …

[PDF][PDF] Multifeature systems: The care properties and their impact on software design

L Nigay, J Coutaz - Intelligence and multimodality in multimedia …, 1997 -
This chapter is concerned with the usability and implementation of multifeature systems such
as multimodal and multimedia user interfaces. We show how the usability of such systems …

[PDF][PDF] Espaces conceptuels pour l'interaction multimédia et multimodale

L Nigay, J Coutaz - Technique et science informatiques, 1996 -
L'innovation en interaction multimédia et multimodale tient à la disponibilité et à la
combinaison de mécanismes sophistiqués tels que la parole, la vision par ordinateur, la …

Virial theorem and dynamical evolution of self-gravitating Brownian particles in an unbounded domain. I. Overdamped models

PH Chavanis, C Sire - Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft …, 2006 - APS
We derive the virial theorem appropriate to the generalized Smoluchowski-Poisson (GSP)
system describing self-gravitating Brownian particles in an overdamped limit. We extend …

PAC-ing the architecture of your user interface

J Coutaz - Design, Specification and Verification of Interactive …, 1997 - Springer
A number of architectural models, such as PAC, are available for the software design of
interactive systems. These design abstractions, however, are not always clearly articulated …

Chirurgie augmentée: un cas de réalité augmentée; Conception et réalisation centrées sur l'utilisateur

E Dubois - 2001 -
Les travaux pluridisciplinaires de cette thèse, contribuent à deux domaines: les Interfaces
Homme-Machine (IHM), en particulier la Réalité Augmentée (RA), et les Gestes Médico …