Four easy pieces for assessing the usability of multimodal interaction: the CARE properties
We propose the CARE properties as a simple way of characterising and assessing aspects
of multimodal interaction: the Complementarity, Assignment, Redundancy, and Equivalence …
of multimodal interaction: the Complementarity, Assignment, Redundancy, and Equivalence …
A generic platform for addressing the multimodal challenge
Multimodal interactive systems support multiple interaction techniques such as the
synergistic use of speech and direct manipulation. The flexibility they offer results in an …
synergistic use of speech and direct manipulation. The flexibility they offer results in an …
[KNYGA][B] Design principles for interactive software
G Cockton, C Gram - 1996 -
IFIP's Working Group 2.7 (13.4)* has, since its establishment in 1974, con centrated on the
software problems of user interfaces. From its original interest in operating systems …
software problems of user interfaces. From its original interest in operating systems …
[PDF][PDF] From single-user architectural design to PAC* a generic software architecture model for CSCW
This article nqmts our tiection on softsvamamhiteetm modelling for multi-usersystems (or
groupware). Fi~ w introduce tk notion of software architecture and make explieit the design …
groupware). Fi~ w introduce tk notion of software architecture and make explieit the design …
Multimodal interaction: a survey from model driven engineering and mobile perspectives
The multimodal interaction is becoming richer in last years thanks to the increasing evolution
of mobile devices (smartphones/tablets) and their embedded sensors including …
of mobile devices (smartphones/tablets) and their embedded sensors including …
[PDF][PDF] Multifeature systems: The care properties and their impact on software design
This chapter is concerned with the usability and implementation of multifeature systems such
as multimodal and multimedia user interfaces. We show how the usability of such systems …
as multimodal and multimedia user interfaces. We show how the usability of such systems …
[PDF][PDF] Espaces conceptuels pour l'interaction multimédia et multimodale
L'innovation en interaction multimédia et multimodale tient à la disponibilité et à la
combinaison de mécanismes sophistiqués tels que la parole, la vision par ordinateur, la …
combinaison de mécanismes sophistiqués tels que la parole, la vision par ordinateur, la …
Virial theorem and dynamical evolution of self-gravitating Brownian particles in an unbounded domain. I. Overdamped models
We derive the virial theorem appropriate to the generalized Smoluchowski-Poisson (GSP)
system describing self-gravitating Brownian particles in an overdamped limit. We extend …
system describing self-gravitating Brownian particles in an overdamped limit. We extend …
PAC-ing the architecture of your user interface
J Coutaz - Design, Specification and Verification of Interactive …, 1997 - Springer
A number of architectural models, such as PAC, are available for the software design of
interactive systems. These design abstractions, however, are not always clearly articulated …
interactive systems. These design abstractions, however, are not always clearly articulated …
Chirurgie augmentée: un cas de réalité augmentée; Conception et réalisation centrées sur l'utilisateur
E Dubois - 2001 -
Les travaux pluridisciplinaires de cette thèse, contribuent à deux domaines: les Interfaces
Homme-Machine (IHM), en particulier la Réalité Augmentée (RA), et les Gestes Médico …
Homme-Machine (IHM), en particulier la Réalité Augmentée (RA), et les Gestes Médico …