Automated analysis of feature models 20 years later: A literature review
Software product line engineering is about producing a set of related products that share
more commonalities than variabilities. Feature models are widely used for variability and …
more commonalities than variabilities. Feature models are widely used for variability and …
Reasoning about edits to feature models
Features express the variabilities and commonalities among programs in a software product
line (SPL). A feature model defines the valid combinations of features, where each …
line (SPL). A feature model defines the valid combinations of features, where each …
Feature diagrams and logics: There and back again
Feature modeling is a notation and an approach for modeling commonality and variability in
product families. In their basic form, feature models contain mandatory/optional features …
product families. In their basic form, feature models contain mandatory/optional features …
A classification and systematic review of product line feature model defects
Product line (PL)-based development is a thriving research area to develop software-
intensive systems. Feature models (FMs) facilitate derivation of valid products from a PL by …
intensive systems. Feature models (FMs) facilitate derivation of valid products from a PL by …
A study of variability models and languages in the systems software domain
Variability models represent the common and variable features of products in a product line.
Since the introduction of FODA in 1990, several variability modeling languages have been …
Since the introduction of FODA in 1990, several variability modeling languages have been …
Automated analysis of feature models: challenges ahead
A feature is an increment in product functionality. Features are commonly used to specify
and distinguish products in product lines [8]. They communicate product functions in an easy …
and distinguish products in product lines [8]. They communicate product functions in an easy …
Disambiguating the documentation of variability in software product lines: A separation of concerns, formalization and automated analysis
Feature diagrams are a popular means for documenting variability in software product line
engineering. When examining feature diagrams in the literature and from industry, we …
engineering. When examining feature diagrams in the literature and from industry, we …
Abstract features in feature modeling
A software product line is a set of program variants, typically generated from a common code
base. Feature models describe variability in product lines by documenting features and their …
base. Feature models describe variability in product lines by documenting features and their …
Uniform random sampling product configurations of feature models that have numerical features
Analyses of Software Product Lines (SPLs) rely on automated solvers to navigate complex
dependencies among features and find legal configurations. Often these analyses do not …
dependencies among features and find legal configurations. Often these analyses do not …
Evaluating state-of-the-art # SAT solvers on industrial configuration spaces
Product lines are widely used to manage families of products that share a common base of
features. Typically, not every combination (configuration) of features is valid. Feature models …
features. Typically, not every combination (configuration) of features is valid. Feature models …