A revised and annotated checklist of the genus Passiflora L. in French Guiana

M Rome, JM MacDougal, HT Svoboda… - Adansonia, 2024 - BioOne
The present revision of the genus Passiflora L.(Passifloraceae Juss. ex Roussel) updates
the Guianese checklist of 2014 with recent collecting data and taxonomic and nomenclatural …

History of plants sent by Jean-Baptiste Leblond to the Société d'histoire naturelle de Paris and typification of names published by Louis Claude Richard in 1792

MW Callmander, RE Gereau, B Offroy, CM Taylor… - Candollea, 2024 - BioOne
Abstract Callmander, MW, RE Gereau, B. Offroy, CM Taylor, LG Lohmann, MT Strong, L.
Biral & J. Calvo (2024). History of plants sent by Jean-Baptiste Leblond to the Société …

The Raymond Benoist microslide library of woods of French Guiana at the Herbarium of Paris (P): restoration and comments

T Deroin, Q Dejonghe, I Le Disquet - Adansonia, 2024 - BioOne
Few attention has been paid to collections of plant anatomy gathered since more than a
century and half, even if they are referential for classical published works and an …

Eugenia neolatifolia, a new name for an Amazonian Myrtaceae

M SOBRAL, MAD DE SOUZA - Phytotaxa, 2024 - phytotaxa.mapress.com
Eugenia neolatifolia , a new name for an Amazonian Myrtaceae | Phytotaxa Skip to main
content Skip to main navigation menu Skip to site footer Responsive image Register Login …

[HTML][HTML] Обзор культивируемых и дикорастущих видов семейства Bignoniaceae в Эмирате Фуджейра (Объединённые Арабские Эмираты)

ВВ Бялт, МВ Коршунов - Hortus botanicus, 2024 - cyberleninka.ru
В статье даётся обзор семейства Bignoniaceae во флоре эмирата Фуджейра,
расположенного в горной северо-восточной части Объединенных Арабских Эмиратов …

Projet ManagForRes-Effet de la gestion forestière sur la réponse des écosystèmes forestiers guyanais aux changements climatiques-Rapport Final

G Derroire, V Badouard, D Nemetschek, M Rojat… - 2023 - agroparistech.hal.science
Une partie de la forêt guyanaise fait l'objet d'une exploitation sélective de bois d'œuvre
selon des règles sylvicoles ayant pour objectif la gestion durable de cet écosystème …

Estimation of the number of tree species in French Guiana by extrapolation of permanent plots richness

E Marcon, A Mirabel, JF Molino… - Journal of Tropical …, 2024 - cambridge.org
The biodiversity of tropical rainforest is difficult to assess. Yet, its estimation is necessary for
conservation purposes, to evaluate our level of knowledge and the risks faced by the forest …