Perspectives on system identification

L Ljung - Annual Reviews in Control, 2010 - Elsevier
System identification is the art and science of building mathematical models of dynamic
systems from observed input–output data. It can be seen as the interface between the real …

System identification: A machine learning perspective

A Chiuso, G Pillonetto - Annual Review of Control, Robotics, and …, 2019 -
Estimation of functions from sparse and noisy data is a central theme in machine learning. In
the last few years, many algorithms have been developed that exploit Tikhonov …

Nonlinear system identification: A user-oriented road map

J Schoukens, L Ljung - IEEE Control Systems Magazine, 2019 -
Nonlinear system identification is an extremely broad topic, since every system that is not
linear is nonlinear. That makes it impossible to give a full overview of all aspects of the fi eld …

Inferring biological networks by sparse identification of nonlinear dynamics

NM Mangan, SL Brunton, JL Proctor… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2016 -
Inferring the structure and dynamics of network models is critical to understanding the
functionality and control of complex systems, such as metabolic and regulatory biological …

A flexible state–space model for learning nonlinear dynamical systems

A Svensson, TB Schön - Automatica, 2017 - Elsevier
We consider a nonlinear state–space model with the state transition and observation
functions expressed as basis function expansions. The coefficients in the basis function …

A new kernel-based approach for nonlinearsystem identification

G Pillonetto, MH Quang… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2011 -
We present a novel nonparametric approach for identification of nonlinear systems.
Exploiting the framework of Gaussian regression, the unknown nonlinear system is seen as …

Identification of Wiener systems with binary-valued output observations

Y Zhao, GG Yin, JF Zhang - Automatica, 2007 - Elsevier
This work is concerned with identification of Wiener systems whose outputs are measured
by binary-valued sensors. The system consists of a linear FIR (finite impulse response) …

Perspectives on system identification

L Ljung - IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 2008 - Elsevier
Abstract System identification is the art and science of building mathematical models of
dynamic systems from observed input-output data. It can be seen as the interface between …

Approaches to identification of nonlinear systems

L Ljung - Proceedings of the 29th Chinese Control Conference, 2010 -
Approaches to identification of nonlinear systems Page 1 Approaches to Identification of
Nonlinear Systems* Lennart LJUNG Division of Automatic Control, Linköing University, SE-58183 …

[KNYGA][B] Linear models of nonlinear systems

M Enqvist - 2005 -
Linear time-invariant approximations of nonlinear systems are used in many applications
and can be obtained in several ways. For example, using system identification and the …