12 The Cognitive Neuroscience of Moral Judgment and Decision Making
JD Greene - The moral brain: A multidisciplinary perspective, 2015 - books.google.com
Cognitive neuroscience aims to understand the mind in physical terms. This endeavor
assumes that the mind can be understood in physical terms, and, insofar as it is successful …
assumes that the mind can be understood in physical terms, and, insofar as it is successful …
Are Psychopathy Checklist (PCL) psychopaths dangerous, untreatable, and without conscience? A systematic review of the empirical evidence.
RR Larsen, J Jalava, S Griffiths - Psychology, Public Policy, and …, 2020 - psycnet.apa.org
Abstract The Hare Psychopathy Checklist (PCL; Hare, Neumann, & Mokros 2018) scales are
among the most widely used forensic assessment tools. Their perceived utility rests partly on …
among the most widely used forensic assessment tools. Their perceived utility rests partly on …
Autonomous machines, moral judgment, and acting for the right reasons
Modern weapons of war have undergone precipitous technological change over the past
generation and the future portends even greater advances. Of particular interest are so …
generation and the future portends even greater advances. Of particular interest are so …
Trait psychopathy and utilitarian moral judgement: The mediating role of action aversion
I Patil - Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 2015 - Taylor & Francis
Although past research has established that the utilitarian bias (increased willingness to
agree to personally kill someone for the greater good) in psychopathy on moral dilemmas …
agree to personally kill someone for the greater good) in psychopathy on moral dilemmas …
Do psychopathic individuals possess a misaligned moral compass? A meta-analytic examination of psychopathy's relations with moral judgment.
Psychopathic individuals are often characterized as lacking a moral sense. Although this
hypothesis has received ample experimental attention over the past decade, findings have …
hypothesis has received ample experimental attention over the past decade, findings have …
A Giubilini - 2016 - ora.ox.ac.uk
This entry will expound the main features of the notion of conscience as it is used in
philosophical discussion, religious teaching and in common language alike. The …
philosophical discussion, religious teaching and in common language alike. The …
Implicit moral evaluations: A multinomial modeling approach
Implicit moral evaluations—ie, immediate, unintentional assessments of the wrongness of
actions or persons—play a central role in supporting moral behavior in everyday life. Yet …
actions or persons—play a central role in supporting moral behavior in everyday life. Yet …
Psychopathy and moral-dilemma judgment: An analysis using the four-factor model of psychopathy and the CNI model of moral decision-making
A major question in clinical and moral psychology concerns the nature of the commonly
presumed association between psychopathy and moral judgment. In the current …
presumed association between psychopathy and moral judgment. In the current …
Psychopathy and moral dilemma judgments: A CNI model analysis of personal and perceived societal standards
Research on moral dilemma judgment suggests that higher levels of psychopathy are
associated with a greater preference for utilitarian over deontological judgments. The current …
associated with a greater preference for utilitarian over deontological judgments. The current …
The personal cost of psychopathy: Impacts of triarchic psychopathy traits on impairment, internalizing, and life satisfaction
Although psychopathic traits have long been acknowledged as a public health concern, a
growing body of evidence suggests there is a significant personal cost to living with …
growing body of evidence suggests there is a significant personal cost to living with …