Topological quantum devices: a review
The introduction of the concept of topology into condensed matter physics has greatly
deepened our fundamental understanding of transport properties of electrons as well as all …
deepened our fundamental understanding of transport properties of electrons as well as all …
[HTML][HTML] Mid-infrared optoelectronic devices based on two-dimensional materials beyond graphene: status and trends
Since atomically thin two-dimensional (2D) graphene was successfully synthesized in 2004,
it has garnered considerable interest due to its advanced properties. However, the weak …
it has garnered considerable interest due to its advanced properties. However, the weak …
Bi2Se3-Functionalized Metasurfaces for Ultrafast All-Optical Switching and Efficient Modulation of Terahertz Waves
Y Hu, M Tong, X Cheng, J Zhang, H Hao, J You… - ACS …, 2021 - ACS Publications
Because of the wealth of fascinating physical phenomena observed in topological insulators
(TIs), their exciting properties have been intensively investigated for electronic and …
(TIs), their exciting properties have been intensively investigated for electronic and …
Sb 2 Te 3 topological insulator: surface plasmon resonance and application in refractive index monitoring
Topological insulators as new emerging building blocks in electronics and photonics
present promising prospects for exciting surface plasmons and enhancing light–matter …
present promising prospects for exciting surface plasmons and enhancing light–matter …
Deep‐Subwavelength Resonant Meta‐Optics Enabled by Ultra‐High Index Topological Insulators
In nanophotonics, small mode volumes, high‐quality factor resonances, and large field
enhancements without metals fundamentally scale with the refractive index and are key for …
enhancements without metals fundamentally scale with the refractive index and are key for …
[HTML][HTML] Topological insulator based Tamm plasmon polaritons
Topological insulators as relatively new quantum materials with the topologically protected
conducting Dirac surface state reveal fantastic electronic and photonic characteristics. The …
conducting Dirac surface state reveal fantastic electronic and photonic characteristics. The …
High‐Index and Low‐Loss Topological Insulators for Mid‐Infrared Nanophotonics: Bismuth and Antimony Chalcogenides
Topological insulators generally have dielectric bulk and conductive surface states.
Consequently, some of these materials are shown to support polaritonic modes at visible …
Consequently, some of these materials are shown to support polaritonic modes at visible …
Topological insulator materials for advanced optoelectronic devices
Topological insulators are quantum materials that have an insulating bulk state and a
topologically protected metallic surface state with spin and momentum helical locking and a …
topologically protected metallic surface state with spin and momentum helical locking and a …
Topological insulator overlayer to enhance the sensitivity and detection limit of surface plasmon resonance sensor
Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) sensors have been applied in a wide range of
applications for real-time and label-free detection. In this article, by covering the topological …
applications for real-time and label-free detection. In this article, by covering the topological …
Near-Field Imaging of Surface Plasmons from the Bulk and Surface State of Topological Insulator Bi2Te2Se
Surface plasmons are collective oscillations of electrons that can enable confinement of
electromagnetic energy to subwavelength scales. Recent progress in plasmonics has …
electromagnetic energy to subwavelength scales. Recent progress in plasmonics has …