Perceptual video quality assessment: A survey
Perceptual video quality assessment plays a vital role in the field of video processing due to
the existence of quality degradations introduced in various stages of video signal …
the existence of quality degradations introduced in various stages of video signal …
Appearance-based gaze estimation with deep learning: A review and benchmark
Human gaze provides valuable information on human focus and intentions, making it a
crucial area of research. Recently, deep learning has revolutionized appearance-based …
crucial area of research. Recently, deep learning has revolutionized appearance-based …
Object-aware gaze target detection
Gaze target detection aims to predict the image location where the person is looking and the
probability that a gaze is out of the scene. Several works have tackled this task by regressing …
probability that a gaze is out of the scene. Several works have tackled this task by regressing …
Agglomerative transformer for human-object interaction detection
We propose an agglomerative Transformer (AGER) that enables Transformer-based human-
object interaction (HOI) detectors to flexibly exploit extra instance-level cues in a single …
object interaction (HOI) detectors to flexibly exploit extra instance-level cues in a single …
ChildPlay: A New Benchmark for Understanding Children's Gaze Behaviour
Gaze behaviors such as eye-contact or shared attention are important markers for
diagnosing developmental disorders in children. While previous studies have looked at …
diagnosing developmental disorders in children. While previous studies have looked at …
Automatic gaze analysis: A survey of deep learning based approaches
Eye gaze analysis is an important research problem in the field of Computer Vision and
Human-Computer Interaction. Even with notable progress in the last 10 years, automatic …
Human-Computer Interaction. Even with notable progress in the last 10 years, automatic …
Interaction-aware joint attention estimation using people attributes
This paper proposes joint attention estimation in a single image. Different from related work
in which only the gaze-related attributes of people are independently employed,(I) their …
in which only the gaze-related attributes of people are independently employed,(I) their …
Saliency in augmented reality
With the rapid development of multimedia technology, Augmented Reality (AR) has become
a promising next-generation mobile platform. The primary theory underlying AR is human …
a promising next-generation mobile platform. The primary theory underlying AR is human …
Iwin: Human-object interaction detection via transformer with irregular windows
This paper presents a new vision Transformer, named Iwin Transformer, which is specifically
designed for human-object interaction (HOI) detection, a detailed scene understanding task …
designed for human-object interaction (HOI) detection, a detailed scene understanding task …
Transgop: Transformer-based gaze object prediction
Gaze object prediction aims to predict the location and category of the object that is watched
by a human. Previous gaze object prediction works use CNN-based object detectors to …
by a human. Previous gaze object prediction works use CNN-based object detectors to …