Women in local government: What we know and where we go from here

MR Holman - State and Local Government Review, 2017 - journals.sagepub.com
Women are underrepresented in most elected and appointed positions in local government
in the United States. This essay details what we know about women's representation in cities …

Gender stereoty** and the electoral success of women candidates: New evidence from local elections in the United States

SF Anzia, R Bernhard - British Journal of Political Science, 2022 - cambridge.org
Research shows that voters often use gender stereotypes to evaluate candidates, which
should help women in some electoral contexts and hurt them in others. Yet, most research …

[CARTE][B] Women and politics: Paths to power and political influence

J Dolan, MM Deckman, ML Swers - 2021 - books.google.com
Women and Politics: Paths to Power and Political Influence examines the role of women in
politics from the early women's movements to the female politicians in power today. The …

Legislative vs. executive political offices: How gender stereotypes can disadvantage women in either office

J Sweet-Cushman - Political Behavior, 2022 - Springer
Different stereotypes exist for women politicians in a way that is not true for men; a difference
that may affect voter evaluations. While some research concludes that these stereotypes …

Voting can be hard, information helps

M Crowder-Meyer, SK Gadarian… - Urban Affairs …, 2020 - journals.sagepub.com
Many US elections provide voters with precious little information about candidates on the
ballot. In local contests, party labels are often absent. In primary elections, party labels are …

Running local: Gender stereoty** and female candidates in local elections

NM Bauer - Urban Affairs Review, 2020 - journals.sagepub.com
An implicit assumption underlying the gender stereoty** literature is that female
candidates have an advantage in local elections. Two factors motivate this assumption. First …

[CARTE][B] Party institutionalization and women's representation in democratic Brazil

KN Wylie - 2018 - books.google.com
Brazil's quality of democracy remains limited by enduring obstacles including the weakness
of parties and underrepresentation of marginalized groups. Party Institutionalization and …

Ambitious women: Gender and voter perceptions of candidate ambition

S Saha, AC Weeks - Political Behavior, 2022 - Springer
Are ambitious women punished in politics? Building on literature from negotiation, we argue
that women candidates who are perceived to be ambitious are more likely to face social …

Crowdsourcing reliable local data

JL Sumner, EM Farris, MR Holman - Political Analysis, 2020 - cambridge.org
The adage “All politics is local” in the United States is largely true. Of the United States'
90,106 governments, 99.9% are local governments. Despite variations in institutional …

Are you picking up what I am laying down? Ideology in low-information elections

MR Holman, JC Lay - Urban Affairs Review, 2021 - journals.sagepub.com
In November 2017, New Orleans elected the first woman, and first Black woman, mayor in
the city's history. Voters were unable to rely on gender, race, or partisanship to differentiate …