Three Lenses on Occupations and Professions in Organizations: Becoming, Doing, and Relating

M Anteby, CK Chan, J DiBenigno - Academy of Management …, 2016 -
Management and organizational scholarship is overdue for a reappraisal of occupations
and professions as well as a critical review of past and current work on the topic. Indeed, the …

Social class and work: A review and organizing framework

JJ Kish-Gephart, KJN Moergen… - Journal of …, 2023 -
Over the past decade, the topic of social class in organizations has enjoyed unexpected
growth. However, management researchers lack an in-depth understanding of what we …

Coding practices and iterativity: Beyond templates for analyzing qualitative data

K Locke, M Feldman… - Organizational research …, 2022 -
Researchers can expect to perform analytic actions repeatedly; that this iteration is required
is a common observation. Yet, how researchers engage in iteration to progress their …

In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king: Knowledge brokerage in the age of learning algorithms

L Waardenburg, M Huysman… - Organization …, 2022 -
This paper presents research on how knowledge brokers attempt to translate opaque
algorithmic predictions. The research is based on a 31-month ethnographic study of the …

Unto the breach: What the COVID-19 pandemic exposes about digitalization

S Faraj, W Renno, A Bhardwaj - Information and Organization, 2021 - Elsevier
Much recent scholarly investigation has been focused on the promise of digitalization and
the new ways of working and organizing it makes possible. In this paper, we analyze how …

Institutional work: Taking stock and making it matter

CE Hampel, TB Lawrence, P Tracey - The Sage handbook of …, 2017 -
'Institutional work'has evolved from a concept introduced to capture a set of actions
described in institutional research, to a perspective on the relationship between institutions …

Cracking the organizational challenge of pursuing joint social and financial goals: Social enterprise as a laboratory to understand hybrid organizing

J Battilana - M@ n@ gement, 2018 -
While in recent decades the social and business sectors have evolved on fairly separate
tracks, today companies are increasingly expected to generate social value in addition to …

Institutional entrepreneurship and change in fields

C Hardy, S Maguire - The Sage handbook of organizational …, 2017 -
The term 'institutional entrepreneurship'refers to the 'activities of actors who have an interest
in particular institutional arrangements and who leverage resources to create new …

Strategies for generating deliberately emergent qualitative research designs

C Cloutier - The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 2024 -
In carrying out research, qualitative scholars routinely struggle with having to navigate
between planned and emergent research design strategies. Pressure from funders and …

How can it be made right again? A review of trust repair research

K Sharma, FD Schoorman… - Journal of …, 2023 -
We review research on the topic of trust repair, which has proceeded over the past four
decades using three different philosophical mechanisms that provide the bases through …