Internet of musical things: Vision and challenges

L Turchet, C Fischione, G Essl, D Keller… - Ieee access, 2018 -
The Internet of Musical Things (IoMusT) is an emerging research field positioned at the
intersection of Internet of Things, new interfaces for musical expression, ubiquitous music …

Ecologically grounded creative practices in ubiquitous music

D Keller, V Lazzarini - Organised Sound, 2017 -
Instrumentally oriented and individualistic approaches dominate the current perspectives on
musical interaction and technologically oriented composition. A view that focuses on the …

Supporting everyday creativity in ubiquitous music making

D Keller, MH de Lima - Trends in music information seeking, behavior …, 2016 -
The concept of everyday musical creativity is related to non-professional musical activities
carried out in venues not intended for artistic practice. Everyday musical creativity demands …

[SÁCH][B] Ubiquitous music ecologies

V Lazzarini, D Keller, N Otero, L Turchet - 2020 -
This book provides a survey of a number of recent topics of research in ubiquitous music
(ubimus), a research area that represents an intersection of several disciplines from music to …

[PDF][PDF] Second wave ubiquitous music

D Keller, M Messina, FZN Oliveira - Journal of Digital Media & …, 2020 -
This volume features a diversity of proposals gathered around the current efforts in
ubiquitous music (or ubimus) research. Three papers provide contributions to timbre …

First record of a marbled crayfish Procambarus virginalis (Lyko, 2017) population in France

F Grandjean, M Collas, M Uriarte, M Rousset - Bioinvasions Records, 2021 -
Here we report the first record of marbled crayfish Procambarus virginalis in France. In total,
34 individuals were found in a pond close to the Moselle River, coexisting with the invasive …

Theoretical approaches to musical creativity: The ubimus perspective

D Keller, V Lazzarini - Musica Theorica, 2017 -
We tackle the theoretical implications of an emergent field of study, ubiquitous music
(ubimus). Striving to place musical research within the wider field of creativity studies, this …

Ubiquitous music research: Everyday musical phenomena and their multidisciplinary implications for creativity and education

MH De Lima, D Keller, LV Flores… - Journal of Music …, 2017 -
This article presents contributions from the emerging and multidisciplinary research field of
Ubiquitous Music (Ubimus) for creative studies and educational practices. Ubimus research …

[PDF][PDF] Ensaios sobre comprovisações em ecologia sonora: Perspectivas práticas e teóricas

L Aliel - Masters of Arts dissertation, University of São Paulo, 2017 -
Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo investigar a inclusão da improvisação sonora em práticas
ecológicas, como paisagem sonora, ecocomposição e ecologia sonora. Com ênfase em …

Bringing aesthetic interaction into creativity-centered design: The second generation of mixDroid prototypes

FM de Farias, D Keller, V Lazzarini… - Journal of Cases on …, 2015 -
The authors discuss a series of experimental studies targeting ubiquitous musical activities.
The studies explore the application of time tagging as an aesthetically oriented interaction …