Internet of musical things: Vision and challenges
The Internet of Musical Things (IoMusT) is an emerging research field positioned at the
intersection of Internet of Things, new interfaces for musical expression, ubiquitous music …
intersection of Internet of Things, new interfaces for musical expression, ubiquitous music …
Ecologically grounded creative practices in ubiquitous music
D Keller, V Lazzarini - Organised Sound, 2017 - cambridge.org
Instrumentally oriented and individualistic approaches dominate the current perspectives on
musical interaction and technologically oriented composition. A view that focuses on the …
musical interaction and technologically oriented composition. A view that focuses on the …
Supporting everyday creativity in ubiquitous music making
D Keller, MH de Lima - Trends in music information seeking, behavior …, 2016 - igi-global.com
The concept of everyday musical creativity is related to non-professional musical activities
carried out in venues not intended for artistic practice. Everyday musical creativity demands …
carried out in venues not intended for artistic practice. Everyday musical creativity demands …
[SÁCH][B] Ubiquitous music ecologies
This book provides a survey of a number of recent topics of research in ubiquitous music
(ubimus), a research area that represents an intersection of several disciplines from music to …
(ubimus), a research area that represents an intersection of several disciplines from music to …
[PDF][PDF] Second wave ubiquitous music
This volume features a diversity of proposals gathered around the current efforts in
ubiquitous music (or ubimus) research. Three papers provide contributions to timbre …
ubiquitous music (or ubimus) research. Three papers provide contributions to timbre …
First record of a marbled crayfish Procambarus virginalis (Lyko, 2017) population in France
F Grandjean, M Collas, M Uriarte, M Rousset - Bioinvasions Records, 2021 - hal.science
Here we report the first record of marbled crayfish Procambarus virginalis in France. In total,
34 individuals were found in a pond close to the Moselle River, coexisting with the invasive …
34 individuals were found in a pond close to the Moselle River, coexisting with the invasive …
Theoretical approaches to musical creativity: The ubimus perspective
D Keller, V Lazzarini - Musica Theorica, 2017 - mural.maynoothuniversity.ie
We tackle the theoretical implications of an emergent field of study, ubiquitous music
(ubimus). Striving to place musical research within the wider field of creativity studies, this …
(ubimus). Striving to place musical research within the wider field of creativity studies, this …
Ubiquitous music research: Everyday musical phenomena and their multidisciplinary implications for creativity and education
This article presents contributions from the emerging and multidisciplinary research field of
Ubiquitous Music (Ubimus) for creative studies and educational practices. Ubimus research …
Ubiquitous Music (Ubimus) for creative studies and educational practices. Ubimus research …
[PDF][PDF] Ensaios sobre comprovisações em ecologia sonora: Perspectivas práticas e teóricas
L Aliel - Masters of Arts dissertation, University of São Paulo, 2017 - scholar.archive.org
Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo investigar a inclusão da improvisação sonora em práticas
ecológicas, como paisagem sonora, ecocomposição e ecologia sonora. Com ênfase em …
ecológicas, como paisagem sonora, ecocomposição e ecologia sonora. Com ênfase em …
Bringing aesthetic interaction into creativity-centered design: The second generation of mixDroid prototypes
FM de Farias, D Keller, V Lazzarini… - Journal of Cases on …, 2015 - igi-global.com
The authors discuss a series of experimental studies targeting ubiquitous musical activities.
The studies explore the application of time tagging as an aesthetically oriented interaction …
The studies explore the application of time tagging as an aesthetically oriented interaction …