[HTML][HTML] Nutritional and technological potential of Umbu (Spondias tuberosa Arr. Cam.) processing by-product flour
VL Xavier, GS Feitoza, J BARBOSA, L Maria… - Anais da Academia …, 2022 - SciELO Brasil
Antioxidants present in many fruit residues can play an essential role in the prevention of
diseases. The aim of this study was to determine nutritional and mineral composition, fatty …
diseases. The aim of this study was to determine nutritional and mineral composition, fatty …
[HTML][HTML] Effects of edible coatings of Chlorella sp. containing pomegranate seed oil on quality of Spondias tuberosa fruit during cold storage
AEMM Teodosio, RHCR Araújo, BGFL Santos… - Food Chemistry, 2021 - Elsevier
Spondias tuberosa is a highly perishable fruit that is difficult to transport, which limits its
consumption in local areas. Thus, for economic reasons, there is a need for technologies to …
consumption in local areas. Thus, for economic reasons, there is a need for technologies to …
Índice de cor e sua correlação com parâmetros físicos e físico-químicos de goiaba, manga e mamão
JD Motta, AJ de Melo Queiroz… - Comunicata …, 2015 - comunicatascientiae.com.br
Usou-se um colorímetro de baixo custo para determinação da cor em produtos agrícolas.
Foram feitas análises colorimétricas nas cascas e polpas de mamão, goiaba e manga. Dos …
Foram feitas análises colorimétricas nas cascas e polpas de mamão, goiaba e manga. Dos …
RESUMO A umbugueleira produz frutos com amplas possibilidades de utilização que,
embora subexplorados, têm grande potencial socioeconômico. Dessa forma, o objetivo …
embora subexplorados, têm grande potencial socioeconômico. Dessa forma, o objetivo …
Características físicas e químicas de acessos de umbuzeiros (Spondias tuberosa Arr. Cam)
FV Dutra, AD Cardoso, OM Morais… - Revista de Ciências …, 2017 - revistas.rcaap.pt
A caatinga é um bioma rico em biodiversidade que ocupa uma área de cerca de 11% do
território nacional, com uma vegetação tipicamente brasileira num clima semiárido e …
território nacional, com uma vegetação tipicamente brasileira num clima semiárido e …
Frequency of quiescent fungi and post-harvest alternative management of stem end rot in papaya
DD Amaral, ALR Monteiro, EID Silva, SRDO Lins… - Revista …, 2017 - SciELO Brasil
The aim of this study was to evaluate the frequency of quiescent fungi and the effect of
phosphites under modified atmosphere on Lasiodiplodia theobromae in papaya. The fruits …
phosphites under modified atmosphere on Lasiodiplodia theobromae in papaya. The fruits …
Correlations between physical and chemical characteristics of Cortibel guava (Psidium guajava L.) fruits grown in the Brazilian Cerrado
FR Gomes, KM Silveira, CDR Marques… - Revista de la …, 2023 - revistas.uncu.edu.ar
The correlation between physical and chemical attributes of fruits can serve as indicators for
the ideal harvest time and function as selection criteria to enhance the management and …
the ideal harvest time and function as selection criteria to enhance the management and …
[HTML][HTML] Analysis of bioactive compounds in umbu (Spondias tuberosa) by application of edible coating based on Chlorella sp during storage
AEMM Teodosio, RHCR Araujo… - Food Science and …, 2020 - SciELO Brasil
The use of edible coating has been an alternative to maintain the quality of vegetables and
prolong their post-harvest life. This study aims to evaluate bioactive compounds in Spondias …
prolong their post-harvest life. This study aims to evaluate bioactive compounds in Spondias …
Fruit quality of 'Salustiana'seedless oranges during cold storage: effect of carnauba-based wax and rootstocks
Consumer preference for a healthier lifestyle has promoted the consumption of fresh citrus.
To ensure its supply throughout the year, the use of different rootstocks for citrus cultivation …
To ensure its supply throughout the year, the use of different rootstocks for citrus cultivation …
Extratos vegetais no controle da antracnose e na conservação da qualidade em frutos de mamoeiro
ACF Demartelaere, GHC Guimarães… - Revista Brasileira de …, 2015 - SciELO Brasil
RESUMO O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a ação antifúngica dos extratos de
Allamanda blanchetti A. DC. e Momordica charantia L. no controle de Colletotrichum …
Allamanda blanchetti A. DC. e Momordica charantia L. no controle de Colletotrichum …