Superconductivity and correlated phases in non-twisted bilayer and trilayer graphene
Twisted bilayer graphene has a rich phase diagram, including superconductivity. Recently,
an unexpected discovery has been the observation of superconductivity in non-twisted …
an unexpected discovery has been the observation of superconductivity in non-twisted …
Sliding van der Waals polytypes
Compared with electronic phase transitions, structural phase transitions of crystals are
challenging to control owing to the energy cost of breaking dense solid bonds. Recently …
challenging to control owing to the energy cost of breaking dense solid bonds. Recently …
Correlated insulator and Chern insulators in pentalayer rhombohedral-stacked graphene
Rhombohedral-stacked multilayer graphene hosts a pair of flat bands touching at zero
energy, which should give rise to correlated electron phenomena that can be tuned further …
energy, which should give rise to correlated electron phenomena that can be tuned further …
Anomalous Hall crystals in rhombohedral multilayer graphene. I. Interaction-driven Chern bands and fractional quantum Hall states at zero magnetic field
Recent experiments on rhombohedral pentalayer graphene with a substrate-induced moiré
potential have identified both Chern insulators and fractional quantum Hall states at zero …
potential have identified both Chern insulators and fractional quantum Hall states at zero …
Electrical control of spin and valley in spin-orbit coupled graphene multilayers
Electrical control of magnetism has been a major technological pursuit of the spintronics
community, owing to its far-reaching implications for data storage and transmission. Here …
community, owing to its far-reaching implications for data storage and transmission. Here …
Signatures of chiral superconductivity in rhombohedral graphene
Chiral superconductors are unconventional superconducting states that break time reversal
symmetry spontaneously and typically feature Cooper pairing at non-zero angular …
symmetry spontaneously and typically feature Cooper pairing at non-zero angular …
Spontaneous electric polarization in graphene polytypes
Spontaneous electric polarization is recently observed in multilayered van der Waals
stacked materials, arising from a symmetry breaking in a unit cell with two or more …
stacked materials, arising from a symmetry breaking in a unit cell with two or more …
Superconductivity from repulsive interactions in Bernal-stacked bilayer graphene
A striking series of experiments have observed superconductivity in Bernal-stacked bilayer
graphene (BBG) when the energy bands are flattened by applying an electrical …
graphene (BBG) when the energy bands are flattened by applying an electrical …
Charge fluctuations, phonons, and superconductivity in multilayer graphene
Motivated by the recent experimental detection of superconductivity in Bernal bilayer (AB)
and rhombohedral trilayer (ABC) graphene, we study the emergence of superconductivity in …
and rhombohedral trilayer (ABC) graphene, we study the emergence of superconductivity in …
Gate-tunable anomalous Hall effect in Bernal tetralayer graphene
Large spin-orbit coupling is often thought to be critical in realizing magnetic order-locked
charge transport such as the anomalous Hall effect (AHE). Recently, artificial stacks of two …
charge transport such as the anomalous Hall effect (AHE). Recently, artificial stacks of two …