Superconductivity and correlated phases in non-twisted bilayer and trilayer graphene

PA Pantaleón, A Jimeno-Pozo, H Sainz-Cruz… - Nature Reviews …, 2023 -
Twisted bilayer graphene has a rich phase diagram, including superconductivity. Recently,
an unexpected discovery has been the observation of superconductivity in non-twisted …

Sliding van der Waals polytypes

M Vizner Stern, S Salleh Atri, M Ben Shalom - Nature Reviews Physics, 2024 -
Compared with electronic phase transitions, structural phase transitions of crystals are
challenging to control owing to the energy cost of breaking dense solid bonds. Recently …

Correlated insulator and Chern insulators in pentalayer rhombohedral-stacked graphene

T Han, Z Lu, G Scuri, J Sung, J Wang, T Han… - Nature …, 2024 -
Rhombohedral-stacked multilayer graphene hosts a pair of flat bands touching at zero
energy, which should give rise to correlated electron phenomena that can be tuned further …

Anomalous Hall crystals in rhombohedral multilayer graphene. I. Interaction-driven Chern bands and fractional quantum Hall states at zero magnetic field

J Dong, T Wang, T Wang, T Soejima, MP Zaletel… - Physical Review Letters, 2024 - APS
Recent experiments on rhombohedral pentalayer graphene with a substrate-induced moiré
potential have identified both Chern insulators and fractional quantum Hall states at zero …

Electrical control of spin and valley in spin-orbit coupled graphene multilayers

T Wang, M Vila, MP Zaletel, S Chatterjee - Physical review letters, 2024 - APS
Electrical control of magnetism has been a major technological pursuit of the spintronics
community, owing to its far-reaching implications for data storage and transmission. Here …

Signatures of chiral superconductivity in rhombohedral graphene

T Han, Z Lu, Z Hadjri, L Shi, Z Wu, W Xu, Y Yao… - arxiv preprint arxiv …, 2024 -
Chiral superconductors are unconventional superconducting states that break time reversal
symmetry spontaneously and typically feature Cooper pairing at non-zero angular …

Spontaneous electric polarization in graphene polytypes

SS Atri, W Cao, B Alon, N Roy, MV Stern… - Advanced Physics …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Spontaneous electric polarization is recently observed in multilayered van der Waals
stacked materials, arising from a symmetry breaking in a unit cell with two or more …

Superconductivity from repulsive interactions in Bernal-stacked bilayer graphene

G Wagner, YH Kwan, N Bultinck, SH Simon… - Physical Review B, 2024 - APS
A striking series of experiments have observed superconductivity in Bernal-stacked bilayer
graphene (BBG) when the energy bands are flattened by applying an electrical …

Charge fluctuations, phonons, and superconductivity in multilayer graphene

Z Li, X Kuang, A Jimeno-Pozo, H Sainz-Cruz, Z Zhan… - Physical Review B, 2023 - APS
Motivated by the recent experimental detection of superconductivity in Bernal bilayer (AB)
and rhombohedral trilayer (ABC) graphene, we study the emergence of superconductivity in …

Gate-tunable anomalous Hall effect in Bernal tetralayer graphene

H Chen, A Arora, JCW Song, KP Loh - Nature Communications, 2023 -
Large spin-orbit coupling is often thought to be critical in realizing magnetic order-locked
charge transport such as the anomalous Hall effect (AHE). Recently, artificial stacks of two …