Snow white and the wicked problems of the west: A look at the lines between empirical description and normative prescription
KN Farrell - Science, Technology, & Human Values, 2011 -
This article discusses the relationship between the origins of the concept of post-normal
science, its potential as a heuristic and the phenomenon of complex science entailed policy …
science, its potential as a heuristic and the phenomenon of complex science entailed policy …
Integrated methodology for assessing the HCH groundwater pollution at the multi-source contaminated mega-site Bitterfeld/Wolfen
P Wycisk, R Stollberg, C Neumann, W Gossel… - … Science and Pollution …, 2013 - Springer
A large-scale groundwater contamination characterises the Pleistocene groundwater system
of the former industrial and abandoned mining region Bitterfeld/Wolfen, Eastern Germany …
of the former industrial and abandoned mining region Bitterfeld/Wolfen, Eastern Germany …