Atmospheric conditions create freeways, detours and tailbacks for migrating birds
The extraordinary adaptations of birds to contend with atmospheric conditions during their
migratory flights have captivated ecologists for decades. During the 21st century …
migratory flights have captivated ecologists for decades. During the 21st century …
Opportunities for the application of advanced remotely-sensed data in ecological studies of terrestrial animal movement
Animal movement patterns in space and time are a central aspect of animal ecology.
Remotely-sensed environmental indices can play a key role in understanding movement …
Remotely-sensed environmental indices can play a key role in understanding movement …
Differences in speed and duration of bird migration between spring and autumn
It has been suggested that birds migrate faster in spring than in autumn because of
competition for arrival order at breeding grounds and environmental factors such as …
competition for arrival order at breeding grounds and environmental factors such as …
Individual-based tracking systems in ornithology: welcome to the era of big data
P López-López - Ardeola, 2016 - BioOne
Technological innovations have led to exciting fast-moving developments in science. Today,
we are living in a technology-driven era of biological discovery. Consequently, tracking …
we are living in a technology-driven era of biological discovery. Consequently, tracking …
Environmental drivers of variability in the movement ecology of turkey vultures (Cathartes aura) in North and South America
Variation is key to the adaptability of species and their ability to survive changes to the
Earth's climate and habitats. Plasticity in movement strategies allows a species to better …
Earth's climate and habitats. Plasticity in movement strategies allows a species to better …
Body condition explains migratory performance of a long-distance migrant
S Duijns, LJ Niles, A Dey, Y Aubry… - … of the Royal …, 2017 -
Body condition (ie relative mass after correcting for structural size) affects the behaviour of
migrating birds, but how body condition affects migratory performance, timing and fitness is …
migrating birds, but how body condition affects migratory performance, timing and fitness is …
Social foraging and individual consistency in following behaviour: testing the information centre hypothesis in free-ranging vultures
Uncertainties regarding food location and quality are among the greatest challenges faced
by foragers and communal roosting may facilitate success through social foraging. The …
by foragers and communal roosting may facilitate success through social foraging. The …
Regional and seasonal flight speeds of soaring migrants and the role of weather conditions at hourly and daily scales
Given that soaring birds travel faster with supportive winds or in good thermal soaring
conditions, we expect weather conditions en route of migration to explain commonly …
conditions, we expect weather conditions en route of migration to explain commonly …
Decision-making by a soaring bird: time, energy and risk considerations at different spatio-temporal scales
Natural selection theory suggests that mobile animals trade off time, energy and risk costs
with food, safety and other pay-offs obtained by movement. We examined how birds make …
with food, safety and other pay-offs obtained by movement. We examined how birds make …
Individual repeatability in timing and spatial flexibility of migration routes of trans-Saharan migratory raptors
Satellite-tracking technology has allowed scientists to make a quantum leap in the field of
migration ecology. Nowadays, the basic description of migratory routes of many species of …
migration ecology. Nowadays, the basic description of migratory routes of many species of …