A tutorial on environment-aware communications via channel knowledge map for 6G
Sixth-generation (6G) mobile communication networks are expected to have dense
infrastructures, large antenna size, wide bandwidth, cost-effective hardware, diversified …
infrastructures, large antenna size, wide bandwidth, cost-effective hardware, diversified …
Space-based electromagnetic spectrum sensing and situation awareness
With a booming number of wireless Internet-of-Things devices, satellite communications
have been recognized as a key pillar to support massive communication and ubiquitous …
have been recognized as a key pillar to support massive communication and ubiquitous …
Sparse Bayesian learning-based 3-D radio environment map construction—Sampling optimization, scenario-dependent dictionary construction, and sparse recovery
The radio environment map (REM), which can visualize the information of invisible
electromagnetic spectrum, is vital for monitoring, management, and security of spectrum …
electromagnetic spectrum, is vital for monitoring, management, and security of spectrum …
Extra: An exact first-order algorithm for decentralized consensus optimization
Recently, there has been growing interest in solving consensus optimization problems in a
multiagent network. In this paper, we develop a decentralized algorithm for the consensus …
multiagent network. In this paper, we develop a decentralized algorithm for the consensus …
On the linear convergence of the ADMM in decentralized consensus optimization
In decentralized consensus optimization, a connected network of agents collaboratively
minimize the sum of their local objective functions over a common decision variable, where …
minimize the sum of their local objective functions over a common decision variable, where …
On the convergence of decentralized gradient descent
Consider the consensus problem of minimizing f(x)=i=1^nf_i(x), where x∈R^p and each f_i
is only known to the individual agent i in a connected network of n agents. To solve this …
is only known to the individual agent i in a connected network of n agents. To solve this …
Radio map estimation: A data-driven approach to spectrum cartography
Radio maps characterize quantities of interest in radio communication environments, such
as the received signal strength and channel attenuation, at every point of a geographical …
as the received signal strength and channel attenuation, at every point of a geographical …
RME-GAN: A learning framework for radio map estimation based on conditional generative adversarial network
Outdoor radio coverage map estimation is an important tool for network planning and
resource management in modern Internet of Things (IoT) and cellular systems. A radio map …
resource management in modern Internet of Things (IoT) and cellular systems. A radio map …
Design of optimal sparse feedback gains via the alternating direction method of multipliers
We design sparse and block sparse feedback gains that minimize the variance amplification
(ie, the H 2 norm) of distributed systems. Our approach consists of two steps. First, we …
(ie, the H 2 norm) of distributed systems. Our approach consists of two steps. First, we …
Engineering radio maps for wireless resource management
The term'radio map'in general refers to the geographical signal power spectrum density,
formed by the superposition of concurrent wireless transmissions, as a function of location …
formed by the superposition of concurrent wireless transmissions, as a function of location …