[KÖNYV][B] The world that trade created: Society, culture and the world economy, 1400 to the present
K Pomeranz, S Topik - 2014 - taylorfrancis.com
In a series of brief vignettes the authors bring to life international trade and its actors, and
also demonstrate that economic activity cannot be divorced from social and cultural contexts …
also demonstrate that economic activity cannot be divorced from social and cultural contexts …
In search of human rights: Legal-political dilemmas of Indonesia's new order, 1966-1990
TM Lubis - 1993 - perpustakaan.kemlu.go.id
Discussion, analysis, ideas, and thoughtful argument may not be enough by themselves to
achieve fundamental reform, but without them helpful reform of any kind is out of the …
achieve fundamental reform, but without them helpful reform of any kind is out of the …
[KÖNYV][B] National integration in Indonesia: Patterns and policies
C Drake - 2019 - books.google.com
Indonesia's great size and diversity and its history of regional dissension have made its
struggle for national integration particularly complex. Christine Drake presents an informed …
struggle for national integration particularly complex. Christine Drake presents an informed …
[KÖNYV][B] South East Asia in the world-economy
CJ Dixon - 1991 - books.google.com
South East Asia has for many centuries occupied a pivotal position in the wider Asian
economy, linking China and the Far East with India and the Middle East, and since the early …
economy, linking China and the Far East with India and the Middle East, and since the early …
Of faith and commitment: Christian conversion in Muslim Java
RW Hefner - … : Historical and anthropological perspectives on a great …, 1993 - degruyter.com
Politics has always deeply affected Christian proselytization in Muslim Java. During the first
two centuries of its rule (which began with a foothold in western Java in 1619), the Dutch …
two centuries of its rule (which began with a foothold in western Java in 1619), the Dutch …
[KÖNYV][B] Finding their place: a history of Arabs in Java under Dutch rule, 1800-1924
SK Mandal - 1994 - search.proquest.com
My dissertation examines the settlement of Arabs in Java after the imposition of Dutch rule in
1800 until their politico-religious awakening between 1890 and 1924. I show that" Arabs," …
1800 until their politico-religious awakening between 1890 and 1924. I show that" Arabs," …
The genesis of accounting in Indonesia: The Dutch colonialism in the early 17th century
EG Sukoharsono, MJR Gaffikin - The International Journal of …, 1993 - ijabs.ub.ac.id
The concern of this paper is historical: Â it is an inquiry into aspects of the emergence of
accounting in Indonesia. Â Although the earliest forms and use of money can be traced back …
accounting in Indonesia. Â Although the earliest forms and use of money can be traced back …
[PDF][PDF] Pematangan Demokrasi dan Sistem Politik Indonesia: Kendala Pelembagaan dan Kepemimpinan
A Sanit - Jurnal Politik, 2015 - core.ac.uk
PERMASALAHAN Di sepanjang tujuh puluh tahun lndonesia merdeka, setelah empat belas
tahun mencoba praktek demokrasi parlementer secara liberal, dan setelah tiga puluh …
tahun mencoba praktek demokrasi parlementer secara liberal, dan setelah tiga puluh …
Hidden change in late colonial urban society in Indonesia
WH Frederick - Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 1983 - cambridge.org
From at least the early sixteenth century, when Tomé Pires acclaimed the marvels of
Malacca, Westerners have evinced an interest in the cities of Southeast Asia, though for …
Malacca, Westerners have evinced an interest in the cities of Southeast Asia, though for …
[PDF][PDF] A power and knowledge analysis of Indonesian accounting history: social, political and economic forces sha** the emergence and development of …
EG Sukoharsono - 1995 - ro.uow.edu.au
Central to this study is the belief that it is important to understand the development of
accounting in its social context. Accounting is regarded not as a purely technical apparatus …
accounting in its social context. Accounting is regarded not as a purely technical apparatus …