Browning of freshwaters: Consequences to ecosystem services, underlying drivers, and potential mitigation measures
Browning of surface waters, as a result of increasing dissolved organic carbon and iron
concentrations, is a widespread phenomenon with implications to the structure and function …
concentrations, is a widespread phenomenon with implications to the structure and function …
[HTML][HTML] The effects of forest management on water quality
Water quality is generally high in watercourses draining forested areas. However, forest
management can lead to detrimental effects on water quality and the aquatic environment …
management can lead to detrimental effects on water quality and the aquatic environment …
Cross-sectoral perspectives (chapter 12)
The total emission mitigation potential achievable by the year 2030, calculated based on
sectoral assessments, is sufficient to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions to half of the …
sectoral assessments, is sufficient to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions to half of the …
[HTML][HTML] Peatland-fire interactions: A review of wildland fire feedbacks and interactions in Canadian boreal peatlands
Boreal peatlands store a disproportionately large quantity of soil carbon (C) and play a
critical role within the global C-climate system; however, with climatic warming, these C …
critical role within the global C-climate system; however, with climatic warming, these C …
Small artificial waterbodies are widespread and persistent emitters of methane and carbon dioxide
Inland waters play an active role in the global carbon cycle and emit large volumes of the
greenhouse gases (GHGs), methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2). A considerable body …
greenhouse gases (GHGs), methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2). A considerable body …
[HTML][HTML] Reviewing peatland forestry: Implications and mitigation measures for freshwater ecosystem browning
Freshwaters of the boreal and temperate regions have experienced increased browning
during the last decades. Browning, or brownification, is mostly driven by increased organic …
during the last decades. Browning, or brownification, is mostly driven by increased organic …
Anthropogenic bottom‐up and top‐down impacts on boreal breeding waterbirds
Wetland habitats are changing under multiple anthropogenic pressures. Nutrient leakage
and pollution modify physico‐chemical state of wetlands and affect the ecosystem through …
and pollution modify physico‐chemical state of wetlands and affect the ecosystem through …
Selection cuttings as a tool to control water table level in boreal drained peatland forests
Continuous cover management on peatland forests has gained interest in recent years, in
part because the tree biomass with significant evapotranspiration capacity retained in …
part because the tree biomass with significant evapotranspiration capacity retained in …
[HTML][HTML] Role of forest ditching and agriculture on water quality: Connecting the long-term physico-chemical subsurface state of lakes with landscape and habitat …
S Holopainen, A Lehikoinen - Science of the Total Environment, 2022 - Elsevier
Increasing anthropogenic pressures have affected the status of surface freshwater
ecosystems. Eutrophication, water browning, acidification, and several other processes may …
ecosystems. Eutrophication, water browning, acidification, and several other processes may …
Map** drainage ditches in forested landscapes using deep learning and aerial laser scanning
Extensive use of drainage ditches in European boreal forests and in some parts of North
America has resulted in a major change in wetland and soil hydrology and impacted the …
America has resulted in a major change in wetland and soil hydrology and impacted the …