Entanglement degradation under local dissipative Landau-Zener noise
M Babakan, A Kashef, L Memarzadeh - Physical Review A, 2024 - APS
We study entanglement degradation when one share of an entangled pair experiences
noise. We consider the dissipative Landau-Zener model for describing local noise. The …
noise. We consider the dissipative Landau-Zener model for describing local noise. The …
Enhancing qubit readout with Bayesian learning
We introduce an efficient and accurate readout measurement scheme for single and
multiqubit states. Our method uses Bayesian inference to build an assignment probability …
multiqubit states. Our method uses Bayesian inference to build an assignment probability …
Effect of an incoherent pump on two-mode entanglement in optical parametric generation
Pum** a nonlinear crystal by an intense radiation results in the optical parametric
generation of photons in two modes (the signal and the idler). The quantized …
generation of photons in two modes (the signal and the idler). The quantized …
Degradation of entanglement in Markovian noise
The entanglement survival time is defined as the maximum time a system which is evolving
under the action of local Markovian, homogeneous-in-time noise is capable of preserving …
under the action of local Markovian, homogeneous-in-time noise is capable of preserving …
Mechanical oscillations in lasing microspheres
We investigate the feasibility of activating coherent mechanical oscillations in lasing
microspheres by modulating the laser emission at a mechanical eigenfrequency. To this …
microspheres by modulating the laser emission at a mechanical eigenfrequency. To this …
Critical slowing down and entanglement protection
We consider a quantum device D interacting with a quantum many-body environment R
which features a second-order phase transition at T= 0. Exploiting the description of the …
which features a second-order phase transition at T= 0. Exploiting the description of the …
[HTML][HTML] Degradation and Protection of Entanglement in Open Quantum Systems
AD Pasquale - Proceedings, 2019 - mdpi.com
The distribution of entangled quantum systems among the nodes of a network is a key task
at the basis of the development of quantum technologies, eg, quantum communication …
at the basis of the development of quantum technologies, eg, quantum communication …