Density‐and size‐dependent mortality in fish early life stages
The importance of survival and growth variations early in life for population dynamics
depends on the degrees of compensatory density dependence and size dependence in …
depends on the degrees of compensatory density dependence and size dependence in …
[HTML][HTML] The effects of oil spills on marine fish: Implications of spatial variation in natural mortality
The effects of oil spills on marine biological systems are of great concern, especially in
regions with high biological production of harvested resources such as in the Northeastern …
regions with high biological production of harvested resources such as in the Northeastern …
Age structure affects population productivity in an exploited fish species
Long‐term changes in the age and size structure of animal populations are well
documented, yet their impacts on population productivity are poorly understood. Fishery …
documented, yet their impacts on population productivity are poorly understood. Fishery …
Effects of early life mass mortality events on fish populations
Mass mortality events are ubiquitous in nature and can be caused by, for example, diseases,
extreme weather and human perturbations such as contamination. Despite being prevalent …
extreme weather and human perturbations such as contamination. Despite being prevalent …
High response diversity and conspecific density‐dependence, not species interactions, drive dynamics of coral reef fish communities
Species‐to‐species and species‐to‐environment interactions are key drivers of community
dynamics. Disentangling these drivers in species‐rich assemblages is challenging due to …
dynamics. Disentangling these drivers in species‐rich assemblages is challenging due to …
Abundance, survival, recruitment and effectiveness of sterilization of free-roaming dogs: A capture and recapture study in Brazil
The existence of free-roaming dogs raises important issues in animal welfare and in public
health. A proper understanding of these animals' ecology is useful as a necessary input to …
health. A proper understanding of these animals' ecology is useful as a necessary input to …
Management strategies can buffer the effect of mass mortality in early life stages of fish
Mass mortality (MM) events affecting early life stages of fish can have strong and long‐term
consequences for population abundance and demography as well as the economic activity …
consequences for population abundance and demography as well as the economic activity …
Factors influencing the dynamics of a collapsed blue swimmer crab (Portunus armatus) population and its lack of recovery
Identification of key drivers of population dynamics and prediction of rates of population
recovery following stock decline are crucial aspects of fisheries management. The …
recovery following stock decline are crucial aspects of fisheries management. The …
Multiple‐batch spawning as a bet‐hedging strategy in highly stochastic environments: An exploratory analysis of Atlantic cod
Stochastic environments shape life‐history traits and can promote selection for risk‐
spreading strategies, such as bet‐hedging. Although the strategy has often been …
spreading strategies, such as bet‐hedging. Although the strategy has often been …
Effects of sea ice cover, temperature and predation on the stock dynamics of the key Arctic fish species polar cod Boreogadus saida
Climate change has large effects on population dynamics of fish species in high latitude
ecosystems. Arctic fish stocks experience multiple pressures with changing abiotic living …
ecosystems. Arctic fish stocks experience multiple pressures with changing abiotic living …