Reef development at the Frasnian/Famennian mass extinction boundary

P Copper - Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2002 - Elsevier
A newly compiled global reef database indicates that the 5–6 Myr long Frasnian (Late
Devonian) metazoan reef episode had relatively low diversity compared to Middle Devonian …

Facies, stratigraphy and diagenesis of Middle Devonian reef-and mud-mounds in the Mader (eastern Anti-Atlas, Morocco)

B Kaufmann - Acta Geologica Polonica, 1998 -
During the Devonian, the eastern Anti-Atlas formed a part of the northwestern continental
margin of Gondwana which was a mid-latitudinal (30-400 S), temperate-water carbonate …

Iron bacterial and fungal mats, Bajocian stratotype (Mid-Jurassic, northern Normandy, France)

A Préat, B Mamet, C De Ridder, F Boulvain… - Sedimentary Geology, 2000 - Elsevier
The Oolithe ferrugineuse de Bayeux Formation is located at the historical Bajocian
stratotype of Sainte-Honorine-des-Pertes, north of Bayeux, Normandy. The condensed …

[PDF][PDF] Les formations du Frasnien de la Belgique

F Boulvain, P Bultynck, M Coen… - Memoirs of the …, 1999 -
Ce mémoire consacré aux formations frasniennes de la Belgique est le fruit de réunions en
salle et de terrain de la Sous-Commission nationale de Stratigraphie du Dévonien et s' …

Facies architecture and diagenesis of Belgian Late Frasnian carbonate mounds

F Boulvain - Sedimentary Geology, 2001 - Elsevier
Late Frasnian Petit-Mont Member carbonate mounds occur in the southern part of the Dinant
Synclinorium and in the Philippeville Anticline (SW Belgium). These mounds are 30 to 80 m …

Microfacies, sequence stratigraphy and clay mineralogy of a condensed deep-water section around the Frasnian/Famennian boundary (Steinbruch Schmidt, Germany …

X Devleeschouwer, A Herbosch, A Préat - Palaeogeography …, 2002 - Elsevier
A multidisciplinary analysis (microfacies, sequential stratigraphy and clay mineralogy) was
made on Frasnian/Famennian (F/F) boundary strata of the Steinbruch Schmidt section in …

Bacterial mediation, red matrices diagenesis, Devonian, Montagne Noire (southern France)

A Préat, B Mamet, A Bernard, D Gillan - Sedimentary geology, 1999 - Elsevier
Two Devonian red carbonate rock sections are studied in the Montagne Noire, at Coumiac
(Frasnian/Famennian) and at the Pic de Vissou (Eifelian/Givetian). The sediments are grey …

Petrography and biosedimentology of the Rosso Ammonitico Veronese (middle-upper Jurassic, north-eastern Italy)

A Préat, S Morano, JP Loreau, C Durlet, B Mamet - Facies, 2006 - Springer
A petrographic and biosedimentological study of the Rosso Ammonitico Veronese from the
Trento Plateau (north-eastern Italy) shows that diagenetic (neomorphism, recrystallization) …

Heliolitid corals and their competitors: a case study from the Wellin patch reefs, Middle Devonian, Belgium

JJ Król, J Denayer, P Wolniewicz, MK Zapalski - Lethaia, 2021 -
Wellin patch reefs are small Upper Eifelian build? ups within the fine? grained argillaceous
limestone of the Hanonet Formation. Whereas the reefs themselves are not well exposed …

Frasnian carbonate mounds from Belgium: sedimentology and palaeoceanography

F Boulvain - 2007 -
The facies architecture, sedimentary dynamics and palaeogeographic evolution were
reconstructed for a number of middle-late Frasnian carbonate mounds from the south side of …