Reef development at the Frasnian/Famennian mass extinction boundary
P Copper - Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2002 - Elsevier
A newly compiled global reef database indicates that the 5–6 Myr long Frasnian (Late
Devonian) metazoan reef episode had relatively low diversity compared to Middle Devonian …
Devonian) metazoan reef episode had relatively low diversity compared to Middle Devonian …
Facies, stratigraphy and diagenesis of Middle Devonian reef-and mud-mounds in the Mader (eastern Anti-Atlas, Morocco)
B Kaufmann - Acta Geologica Polonica, 1998 - geojournals.pgi.gov.pl
During the Devonian, the eastern Anti-Atlas formed a part of the northwestern continental
margin of Gondwana which was a mid-latitudinal (30-400 S), temperate-water carbonate …
margin of Gondwana which was a mid-latitudinal (30-400 S), temperate-water carbonate …
Iron bacterial and fungal mats, Bajocian stratotype (Mid-Jurassic, northern Normandy, France)
The Oolithe ferrugineuse de Bayeux Formation is located at the historical Bajocian
stratotype of Sainte-Honorine-des-Pertes, north of Bayeux, Normandy. The condensed …
stratotype of Sainte-Honorine-des-Pertes, north of Bayeux, Normandy. The condensed …
[PDF][PDF] Les formations du Frasnien de la Belgique
F Boulvain, P Bultynck, M Coen… - Memoirs of the …, 1999 - orbi.uliege.be
Ce mémoire consacré aux formations frasniennes de la Belgique est le fruit de réunions en
salle et de terrain de la Sous-Commission nationale de Stratigraphie du Dévonien et s' …
salle et de terrain de la Sous-Commission nationale de Stratigraphie du Dévonien et s' …
Facies architecture and diagenesis of Belgian Late Frasnian carbonate mounds
F Boulvain - Sedimentary Geology, 2001 - Elsevier
Late Frasnian Petit-Mont Member carbonate mounds occur in the southern part of the Dinant
Synclinorium and in the Philippeville Anticline (SW Belgium). These mounds are 30 to 80 m …
Synclinorium and in the Philippeville Anticline (SW Belgium). These mounds are 30 to 80 m …
Microfacies, sequence stratigraphy and clay mineralogy of a condensed deep-water section around the Frasnian/Famennian boundary (Steinbruch Schmidt, Germany …
A multidisciplinary analysis (microfacies, sequential stratigraphy and clay mineralogy) was
made on Frasnian/Famennian (F/F) boundary strata of the Steinbruch Schmidt section in …
made on Frasnian/Famennian (F/F) boundary strata of the Steinbruch Schmidt section in …
Bacterial mediation, red matrices diagenesis, Devonian, Montagne Noire (southern France)
Two Devonian red carbonate rock sections are studied in the Montagne Noire, at Coumiac
(Frasnian/Famennian) and at the Pic de Vissou (Eifelian/Givetian). The sediments are grey …
(Frasnian/Famennian) and at the Pic de Vissou (Eifelian/Givetian). The sediments are grey …
Petrography and biosedimentology of the Rosso Ammonitico Veronese (middle-upper Jurassic, north-eastern Italy)
A petrographic and biosedimentological study of the Rosso Ammonitico Veronese from the
Trento Plateau (north-eastern Italy) shows that diagenetic (neomorphism, recrystallization) …
Trento Plateau (north-eastern Italy) shows that diagenetic (neomorphism, recrystallization) …
Heliolitid corals and their competitors: a case study from the Wellin patch reefs, Middle Devonian, Belgium
Wellin patch reefs are small Upper Eifelian build? ups within the fine? grained argillaceous
limestone of the Hanonet Formation. Whereas the reefs themselves are not well exposed …
limestone of the Hanonet Formation. Whereas the reefs themselves are not well exposed …
Frasnian carbonate mounds from Belgium: sedimentology and palaeoceanography
F Boulvain - 2007 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
The facies architecture, sedimentary dynamics and palaeogeographic evolution were
reconstructed for a number of middle-late Frasnian carbonate mounds from the south side of …
reconstructed for a number of middle-late Frasnian carbonate mounds from the south side of …