[PDF][PDF] Effect of dry, vacuum, and modified atmosphere ageing on physicochemical properties of roe deer meat
N Kasałka-Czarna, R Biegańska-Marecik… - Polish Journal of …, 2023 - bibliotekanauki.pl
Consumers around the world are choosing sustainable and unprocessed foods. Roe deer
meat, due to the natural origin, is a source of organic and healthy meat. The selection of …
meat, due to the natural origin, is a source of organic and healthy meat. The selection of …
[HTML][HTML] Evaluation of meat and meat product oxidation and off-flavor formation: Managing oxidative changes
MA Al-Shibli, RM Al-Ali, AZ Hashim… - Теория и практика …, 2023 - cyberleninka.ru
One of the primary issues with processed foods during heat treatment and freezing storage
is fat oxidation, which causes significant changes in fats due to their interaction with reactive …
is fat oxidation, which causes significant changes in fats due to their interaction with reactive …
[HTML][HTML] Quality evaluation of chicken patties marinated with roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) calyx extract
IA Okere, OO Olusola - Croatian journal of food science and technology, 2023 - hrcak.srce.hr
Sažetak The potential of extract from roselle calyx on quality attributes of chicken patties
marinated without extracts [plain (P1) and prepared with 0.01% butyl hydroxyl anisole; BHA …
marinated without extracts [plain (P1) and prepared with 0.01% butyl hydroxyl anisole; BHA …
[PDF][PDF] Implementation of Modernisation Meat Shredding Production in MSMEs Karanggintung Village, Banyumas
R Manurung - ABDIMAS: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat, 2024 - journal.umtas.ac.id
The Abon production process is very conventional and takes one and a half (1.5) days for 5
kg of chicken meat with a workforce of 5 people. The most extended production process is …
kg of chicken meat with a workforce of 5 people. The most extended production process is …
Fizičko-Hemijska Nutritivna i Senzorna Svojstva Kobasica u Tipu Frankfurtera od Mesa Izlučenih Koza
BP Pisinov - 2021 - search.proquest.com
Fizičko-Hemijska Nutritivna i Senzorna Svojstva Kobasica u Tipu Frankfurtera od Mesa Izlučenih
Koza Fizičko-Hemijska Nutritivna i Senzorna Svojstva Kobasica u Tipu Frankfurtera od Mesa …
Koza Fizičko-Hemijska Nutritivna i Senzorna Svojstva Kobasica u Tipu Frankfurtera od Mesa …