[HTML][HTML] Large-scale analyses of the X chromosome in 2,354 infertile men discover recurrently affected genes associated with spermatogenic failure

A Riera-Escamilla, M Vockel, L Nagirnaja… - The American Journal of …, 2022 - cell.com
Although the evolutionary history of the X chromosome indicates its specialization in male
fitness, its role in spermatogenesis has largely been unexplored. Currently only three X …

Probing GATA factor function in mouse Leydig cells via testicular injection of adenoviral vectors

GM Penny, RB Cochran, M Pihlajoki… - …, 2017 - rep.bioscientifica.com
Testicular Leydig cells produce androgens essential for proper male reproductive
development and fertility. Here, we describe a new Leydig cell ablation model based on …

[PDF][PDF] 精子形成のインテグリティ解明に向けた生体内ゲノムワイドスクリーニング法の樹立

野口勇貴 - 2024 - repository.kulib.kyoto-u.ac.jp
要旨 CRISPR/sgRNA ライブラリーを利用したゲノムワイドスクリーニング法は,
網羅的な分子機能解析において有効なアプローチであるが, その適用範囲は …