Internet of Things (IoT): A review of enabling technologies, challenges, and open research issues

A Čolaković, M Hadžialić - Computer networks, 2018 - Elsevier
Abstract IoT (Internet of Things) is a new paradigm which provides a set of new services for
the next wave of technological innovations. IoT applications are nearly limitless while …

Semantic interoperability in the Internet of Things: An overview from the INTER-IoT perspective

M Ganzha, M Paprzycki, W Pawłowski, P Szmeja… - Journal of Network and …, 2017 - Elsevier
Abstract The Internet of Things (IoT) idea, explored across the globe, brings about an
important issue: how to achieve interoperability among multiple existing (and constantly …

Internet of Everything (IoE)-from molecules to the universe

OB Akan, E Dinc, M Kuscu… - IEEE …, 2023 -
As the Internet of Things (IoT) technologies continue to advance, they are becoming
increasingly specialized and compartmentalized into non-interacting application domains …

The Interoperability of Things: Interoperable solutions as an enabler for IoT and Web 3.0

G Hatzivasilis, I Askoxylakis… - 2018 IEEE 23rd …, 2018 -
This paper presents an overview of the interoperability concepts along with the challenges
for the IoT domain and the upcoming Web 3.0. We identify four levels of interoperability and …

[PDF][PDF] Towards a Unified Understanding of eHealth and Related Terms-Proposal of a Consolidated Terminological Basis.

L Otto, L Harst, H Schlieter, B Wollschlaeger, P Richter… - HEALTHINF, 2018 -
1Chair of Wirtschaftsinformatik, esp. Systems Development, Technische Universität
Dresden, Dresden, Germany 2Research Association Public Health Saxony, Center for …

Energysmart: Toward energy-efficient manycores for near-threshold computing

UR Karpuzcu, A Sinkar, NS Kim… - 2013 IEEE 19th …, 2013 -
While Near-Threshold Voltage Computing (NTC) is a promising approach to push back the
manycore power wall, it suffers from a high sensitivity to parameter variations. One possible …

[HTML][HTML] Towards establishing cross-platform interoperability for sensors in smart cities

K Chaturvedi, TH Kolbe - Sensors, 2019 -
Typically, smart city projects involve complex distributed systems having multiple
stakeholders and diverse applications. These applications involve a multitude of sensor and …

A survey and analysis of ontology-based software tools for semantic interoperability in IoT and WoT landscapes

A Gyrard, SK Datta, C Bonnet - 2018 IEEE 4th World Forum on …, 2018 -
The current Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystem consists of non-interoperable products and
services. The Web of Things (WoT) advances the IoT by allowing consumers to interact with …

IoT-based dairy supply chain-an ontological approach

B Jachimczyk, R Tkaczyk, T Piotrowski… - Elektronika ir …, 2021 -
Emerging digital transformation in industry is noticeable among others in Supply Chain
Management (SCM). For instance, applying new-generation digitalized technologies in the …

Building the semantic web of things through a dynamic ontology

F Antoniazzi, F Viola - IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2019 -
The Web of Things (WoT) has recently appeared as the latest evolution of the Internet of
Things and, as the name suggests, requires that devices interoperate through the Internet …