How small-sided and conditioned games enhance acquisition of movement and decision-making skills
A major interest in sports sciences has been the development of training programs that
provide team sports coaches with reliable methods for improving training while enhancing …
provide team sports coaches with reliable methods for improving training while enhancing …
[HTML][HTML] Understanding a player's decision-making process in team sports: a systematic review of empirical evidence
M Ashford, A Abraham, J Poolton - Sports, 2021 -
Three perspectives were taken to explain decision-making within team sports (information
processing, recognition primed decision-making, and ecological dynamics perspectives) …
processing, recognition primed decision-making, and ecological dynamics perspectives) …
[KNIHA][B] Dynamics of skill acquisition: An ecological dynamics approach
Dynamics of Skill Acquisition, Second Edition, provides an analysis of the processes
underlying human skill acquisition. As the first text to outline the multidisciplinary ecological …
underlying human skill acquisition. As the first text to outline the multidisciplinary ecological …
Principles of nonlinear pedagogy in sport practice
Background: There are deeply relevant questions concerning how to integrate and organise
various nonlinear pedagogical strategies and methods in order to structure training in the …
various nonlinear pedagogical strategies and methods in order to structure training in the …
Sports teams as superorganisms: implications of sociobiological models of behaviour for research and practice in team sports performance analysis
Significant criticisms have emerged on the way that collective behaviours in team sports
have been traditionally evaluated. A major recommendation has been for future research …
have been traditionally evaluated. A major recommendation has been for future research …
An ecological dynamics approach to skill acquisition: Implications for development of talent in sport
This paper proposes how ecological dynamics, a theory focusing on the performer-
environment relationship, provides a basis for understanding skill acquisition in sport. From …
environment relationship, provides a basis for understanding skill acquisition in sport. From …
[KNIHA][B] Motor learning and control for practitioners
C Coker - 2017 -
With an array of critical and engaging pedagogical features, the fourth edition of Motor
Learning and Control for Practitioners offers the best practical introduction to motor learning …
Learning and Control for Practitioners offers the best practical introduction to motor learning …
Effects of pacing, status and unbalance in time motion variables, heart rate and tactical behaviour when playing 5-a-side football small-sided games
JE Sampaio, C Lago, B Gonçalves, VM Maçãs… - Journal of science and …, 2014 - Elsevier
Objectives To compare time-motion variables, heart rate and players' tactical behaviour
according to game pace (slow, normal or fast), status (winning and losing) and team …
according to game pace (slow, normal or fast), status (winning and losing) and team …
Specific effect of a cognitive-motor dual-task training on sport performance and brain processing associated with decision-making in semi-elite basketball players
Objectives In this study, we aimed at evaluating the effects of cognitive-motor dual-task
training (CMDT) on sport-specific athletic performance and cognitive functions of semi-elite …
training (CMDT) on sport-specific athletic performance and cognitive functions of semi-elite …
Variability of internal and external loads and technical/tactical outcomes during small-sided soccer games: a systematic review
Small-sided games (SSGs) are widely used in soccer training. However, some of the typical
outcomes related to human responses during these games (namely internal and external …
outcomes related to human responses during these games (namely internal and external …