Rule-based automatic software performance diagnosis and improvement

J Xu - Proceedings of the 7th international workshop on …, 2008 -
Performance of a software system is the result of many interacting factors. This paper
describes a rule-based framework to identify root causes of performance limits, to untangle …

A robust entropy-based audio-fingerprint

AC Ibarrola, E Chávez - 2006 IEEE International Conference on …, 2006 -
Audio fingerprints (AFP's) are compact, content-based representations of audio signals used
to measure distances among them. An AFP has to be small, fast computed and robust to …

Automatic performance analysis of MPI applications based on event traces

F Wolf, B Mohr - Euro-Par 2000 Parallel Processing: 6th International …, 2000 - Springer
This article presents a class library for detecting typical performance problems in event
traces of MPI applications. The library is implemented using the powerful high-level trace …

Knowledge support and automation for performance analysis with PerfExplorer 2.0

KA Huck, AD Malony, S Shende… - Scientific …, 2008 -
The integration of scalable performance analysis in parallel development tools is difficult.
The potential size of data sets and the need to compare results from multiple experiments …

Detecting bottlenecks in parallel dag-based data flow programs

D Battré, M Hovestadt, B Lohrmann… - 2010 3rd Workshop …, 2010 -
In recent years, several frameworks have been introduced to facilitate massively-parallel
data processing on shared-nothing architectures like compute clouds. While these …

Predicting the performance of parallel programs

V Blanco, JA González, C León, C Rodrıguez… - Parallel Computing, 2004 - Elsevier
This work presents a new approach to the relation between theoretical complexity models
and performance analysis and tuning. The analysis of an algorithm produces a complexity …

Performance problem diagnostics by systematic experimentation

A Wert - Proceedings of the 18th international doctoral …, 2013 -
Performance problems such as high response times in software applications have a
significant effect on the customer's satisfaction. However, detecting performance problems is …

Modeling and detecting performance problems for distributed and parallel programs with JavaPSL

T Fahringer, CS Júnior - Proceedings of the 2001 ACM/IEEE conference …, 2001 -
In this paper we present JavaPSL, a P erformance S pecification L anguage that can be
used for a systematic and portable specification of large classes of experiment-related data …

Automatic search for performance problems in parallel and distributed programs by using multi-experiment analysis

T Fahringer, C Seragiotto Jr - International Conference on High …, 2002 - Springer
We introduce Aksum, a novel system for performance analysis that helps programmers to
locate and to understand performance problems in message passing, shared memory and …

Formalizing OpenMP performance properties with ASL

T Fahringer, M Gerndt, G Riley… - … Symposium, ISHPC 2000 …, 2000 - Springer
Performance analysis is an important step in tuning performance critical applications. It is a
cyclic process of measuring and analyzing performance data which is driven by the …