[ספר][B] Quantum walks and search algorithms
R Portugal - 2013 - Springer
This is a textbook about quantum walks and quantum search algorithms. The readers will
take advantage of the pedagogical aspects and learn the topics faster and make less effort …
take advantage of the pedagogical aspects and learn the topics faster and make less effort …
Creating anomalous Floquet Chern insulators with magnetic quantum walks
We propose a realistic scheme to construct anomalous Floquet Chern topological insulators
using spin-1 2 particles carrying out a discrete-time quantum walk in a two-dimensional …
using spin-1 2 particles carrying out a discrete-time quantum walk in a two-dimensional …
Quantum walks and discrete gauge theories
A particular example is produced to prove that quantum walks can be used to simulate full-
fledged discrete gauge theories. A family of two-dimensional walks is introduced and its …
fledged discrete gauge theories. A family of two-dimensional walks is introduced and its …
Quantum walks in external gauge fields
Describing a particle in an external electromagnetic field is a basic task of quantum
mechanics. The standard scheme for this is known as “minimal coupling” and consists of …
mechanics. The standard scheme for this is known as “minimal coupling” and consists of …
Robustness of topologically protected edge states in quantum walk experiments with neutral atoms
Discrete-time quantum walks allow Floquet topological insulator materials to be explored
using controllable systems such as ultracold atoms in optical lattices. By numerical …
using controllable systems such as ultracold atoms in optical lattices. By numerical …
Electromagnetic lattice gauge invariance in two-dimensional discrete-time quantum walks
Gauge invariance is one of the more important concepts in physics. We discuss this concept
in connection with the unitary evolution of discrete-time quantum walks in one and two …
in connection with the unitary evolution of discrete-time quantum walks in one and two …
Discrete-time quantum walk with phase disorder: localization and entanglement entropy
Quantum Walk (QW) has very different transport properties to its classical counterpart due to
interference effects. Here we study the discrete-time quantum walk (DTQW) with on-site …
interference effects. Here we study the discrete-time quantum walk (DTQW) with on-site …
Quantum walks with sequential aperiodic jumps
We analyze a set of discrete-time quantum walks for which the displacements on a chain
follow binary aperiodic jumps according to three paradigmatic sequences: Fibonacci, Thue …
follow binary aperiodic jumps according to three paradigmatic sequences: Fibonacci, Thue …
Generalized quantum-classical correspondence for random walks on graphs
We introduce a minimal set of physically motivated postulates that the Hamiltonian H of a
continuous-time quantum walk should satisfy in order to properly represent the quantum …
continuous-time quantum walk should satisfy in order to properly represent the quantum …
Quantum walks in weak electric fields and Bloch oscillations
Bloch oscillations appear when an electric field is superimposed on a quantum particle that
evolves on a lattice with a tight-binding Hamiltonian (TBH), ie, evolves via what we call an …
evolves on a lattice with a tight-binding Hamiltonian (TBH), ie, evolves via what we call an …