Constructing understanding, with feeling
JIM Carpendale, C Lewis - Behavioral and brain sciences, 2004 -
We explore three types of criticisms of our theory on the development of children's social
understanding. We reject suggestions that we offer nothing new to traditional theories of …
understanding. We reject suggestions that we offer nothing new to traditional theories of …
The relation between parents' mental state talk and children's social understanding: A meta‐analysis
V Tompkins, JP Benigno, B Kiger Lee… - Social …, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
Though there is empirical support for the relation between parents' mental state talk to
children and children's social understanding, including false belief understanding (FBU) and …
children and children's social understanding, including false belief understanding (FBU) and …
Language and theory of mind: Meta‐analysis of the relation between language ability and false‐belief understanding
K Milligan, JW Astington, LA Dack - Child development, 2007 - Wiley Online Library
Numerous studies show that children's language ability is related to false‐belief
understanding. However, there is considerable variation in the size of the correlation …
understanding. However, there is considerable variation in the size of the correlation …
Mind‐mindedness and theory of mind: Mediating roles of language and perspectival symbolic play
Relations among indices of maternal mind‐mindedness (appropriate and nonattuned mind‐
related comments) and children's:(a) internal state vocabulary and perspectival symbolic …
related comments) and children's:(a) internal state vocabulary and perspectival symbolic …
Conversation and theory of mind: Do children talk their way to socio‐cognitive understanding?
M De Rosnay, C Hughes - British journal of developmental …, 2006 - Wiley Online Library
This paper presents a selective review of the literature addressing the influence of young
children's conversational environments and interactions on their psychological …
children's conversational environments and interactions on their psychological …
Attachment and mentalization and their association with child and adolescent eating pathology: A systematic review
Objective Insecure attachment and mentalizing difficulties have been associated with eating
pathology in adulthood. However, it is unclear whether eating pathology is associated with …
pathology in adulthood. However, it is unclear whether eating pathology is associated with …
Exposure to media and theory-of-mind development in preschoolers
Exposure to different forms of narrative media may influence children's development of
theory-of-mind. Because engagement with fictional narratives provides one with information …
theory-of-mind. Because engagement with fictional narratives provides one with information …
Mind what mother says: Narrative input and theory of mind in typical children and those on the autism spectrum
V Slaughter, CC Peterson, E Mackintosh - Child development, 2007 - Wiley Online Library
In 2 studies mothers read wordless storybooks to their preschool‐aged children; narratives
were analyzed for mental state language. Children's theory‐of‐mind understanding (ToM) …
were analyzed for mental state language. Children's theory‐of‐mind understanding (ToM) …
The contribution of theory of mind, counterfactual reasoning, and executive function to pre-readers' language comprehension and later reading awareness and …
NR Guajardo, KB Cartwright - Journal of experimental child psychology, 2016 - Elsevier
The current longitudinal study examined the roles of theory of mind, counterfactual
reasoning, and executive function in children's pre-reading skills, reading awareness, and …
reasoning, and executive function in children's pre-reading skills, reading awareness, and …
Enhancing parent–child shared book reading interactions: Promoting references to the book's plot and socio-cognitive themes
D Aram, Y Fine, M Ziv - Early childhood research quarterly, 2013 - Elsevier
The study examined the efficacy of an intervention designed to promote parents' and
preschoolers' references to storybooks' plot and socio-cognitive themes during shared …
preschoolers' references to storybooks' plot and socio-cognitive themes during shared …