Pervasive shifts in forest dynamics in a changing world
BACKGROUND Forest dynamics arise from the interplay of chronic drivers and transient
disturbances with the demographic processes of recruitment, growth, and mortality. The …
disturbances with the demographic processes of recruitment, growth, and mortality. The …
Remote sensing of the terrestrial carbon cycle: A review of advances over 50 years
Quantifying ecosystem carbon fluxes and stocks is essential for better understanding the
global carbon cycle and improving projections of the carbon-climate feedbacks. Remote …
global carbon cycle and improving projections of the carbon-climate feedbacks. Remote …
Record-high CO2 emissions from boreal fires in 2021
Extreme wildfires are becoming more common and increasingly affecting Earth's climate.
Wildfires in boreal forests have attracted much less attention than those in tropical forests …
Wildfires in boreal forests have attracted much less attention than those in tropical forests …
Global carbon and other biogeochemical cycles and feedbacks
ES 6: 3-5 Replace “It is unequivocal that emissions of the well-mixed greenhouse gases
(GHG) carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2 O) from human activities …
(GHG) carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2 O) from human activities …
Amazonia as a carbon source linked to deforestation and climate change
Amazonia hosts the Earth's largest tropical forests and has been shown to be an important
carbon sink over recent decades,–. This carbon sink seems to be in decline, however, as a …
carbon sink over recent decades,–. This carbon sink seems to be in decline, however, as a …
Recent global decline of CO2 fertilization effects on vegetation photosynthesis
The enhanced vegetation productivity driven by increased concentrations of carbon dioxide
(CO2)[ie, the CO2 fertilization effect (CFE)] sustains an important negative feedback on …
(CO2)[ie, the CO2 fertilization effect (CFE)] sustains an important negative feedback on …
Carbon loss from forest degradation exceeds that from deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon
Spatial–temporal dynamics of aboveground biomass (AGB) and forest area affect the carbon
cycle, climate and biodiversity in the Brazilian Amazon. Here we investigate interannual …
cycle, climate and biodiversity in the Brazilian Amazon. Here we investigate interannual …
Increasing forest fire emissions despite the decline in global burned area
Satellites have detected a global decline in burned area of grassland, coincident with a
small increase in burned forest area. These contrasting trends have been reported in earlier …
small increase in burned forest area. These contrasting trends have been reported in earlier …
Chlorophyll a fluorescence illuminates a path connecting plant molecular biology to Earth-system science
For decades, the dynamic nature of chlorophyll a fluorescence (ChlaF) has provided insight
into the biophysics and ecophysiology of the light reactions of photosynthesis from the …
into the biophysics and ecophysiology of the light reactions of photosynthesis from the …
A joint framework for studying compound ecoclimatic events
Extreme weather and climate events have direct impacts on ecosystems and can further
trigger ecosystem disturbances, often having impacts that last longer than the event's …
trigger ecosystem disturbances, often having impacts that last longer than the event's …