Trace-element systematics and isotopic characteristics of sphalerite-pyrite from volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits of Betul belt, central Indian Tectonic Zone …
The Paleoproterozoic volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) deposits in the Betul belt (BB)(ca.
1.7 Ga) in central India are well-known for their low-grade Zn-Cu-Pb sulfide mineralization …
1.7 Ga) in central India are well-known for their low-grade Zn-Cu-Pb sulfide mineralization …
[HTML][HTML] The sulfur isotope evolution of magmatic-hydrothermal fluids: insights into ore-forming processes
Metal-rich fluids that circulate in magmatic-hydrothermal environments form a wide array of
economically significant ore deposits. Unravelling the origins and evolution of these fluids is …
economically significant ore deposits. Unravelling the origins and evolution of these fluids is …
[HTML][HTML] In-situ trace element and S isotope compositions of sulfides from the Tonggou Cu deposit, Eastern Tianshan Orogen: Implication for ore-forming process
S Wu, X Zhang, Y Zhang, G Huang, T Zhang, C Lai - Ore Geology Reviews, 2022 - Elsevier
The Tonggou deposit is located in the western Bogda Orogen, the northern margin of
Eastern Tianshan. Porphyry Cu and vein-type Cu-Zn mineralization are both developed in …
Eastern Tianshan. Porphyry Cu and vein-type Cu-Zn mineralization are both developed in …
A distal, high-grade irish-type orebody: Petrographic, sulfur isotope, and sulfide chemistry of the Island Pod Zn-Pb orebody, Lisheen, Ireland
Abstract Irish-type Zn-Pb deposits are important global sources of zinc, but despite a
fundamental understanding of ore genesis within the Irish orefield, a detailed understanding …
fundamental understanding of ore genesis within the Irish orefield, a detailed understanding …
Euxinia in the Neoarchean: The starting point for early oxygenation in a Brazilian Craton
Geochemical evidence for local redox transitions is observed 300 Ma years prior to the
Great Oxygenation Event (GOE ca. 2400 Ma) and suggests evolving environmental …
Great Oxygenation Event (GOE ca. 2400 Ma) and suggests evolving environmental …
Microchemical and sulfur isotope constraints on the magmatic and hydrothermal evolution of the Black Swan Succession, Western Australia
Abstract The Black Swan Succession consists of an Archean bimodal dacite-komatiite
association largely dominated by ultramafic cumulates hosting a number of massive and …
association largely dominated by ultramafic cumulates hosting a number of massive and …
[HTML][HTML] Neoarchean atmospheric chemistry and the preservation of S-MIF in sediments from the São Francisco Craton
Sulfur mass-independent fractionation (S-MIF) preserved in Archean sedimentary pyrite is
interpreted to reflect atmospheric chemistry. Small ranges in Δ 33 S that expanded into …
interpreted to reflect atmospheric chemistry. Small ranges in Δ 33 S that expanded into …
4D history of the Nimbus VHMS ore deposit in the Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia
Due to its unique mineralogy in the Archaean Yilgarn Craton, the origin of the high-grade
Nimbus Ag-Zn-(Au) deposit has been contentious for a number of years. Recent …
Nimbus Ag-Zn-(Au) deposit has been contentious for a number of years. Recent …
In-situ sulfur isotopes analysis as an exploration tool for orogenic gold mineralization in the Granites-Tanami Gold Province, Australia: Learnings from the Callie …
Orogenic gold deposits are commonly associated with a small alteration and geochemical
footprint that often hinders the exploration process. In the Granites-Tanami Gold Province; …
footprint that often hinders the exploration process. In the Granites-Tanami Gold Province; …
Lithogeochemical and Hyperspectral Halos to Ag-Zn-Au Mineralization at Nimbus in the Eastern Goldfields Superterrane, Western Australia
With new advances in rapid-acquisition geochemical and hyperspectral techniques,
exploration companies are now able to detect subtle halos surrounding orebodies at …
exploration companies are now able to detect subtle halos surrounding orebodies at …